Need Help...3rd Week into Flowering


Active Member
Hey everyone Im almost into my 4th week of flowering and a lot of the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow/brown and crispy and some tips are curling upwards. Also it looks like the fan leaves are starting to point straight up looking like they want to surround the bud. Other than that the buds look excellent and spotted the first 2 orange hairs today and are still filling in nice. Is this bad that they are yellowing so soon? I know yellowing is normal in the flowering stage but I wasn't sure if there will be a problem with the buds if the yellowing starts earlier than it should. Here are some pics. Let me know what u guys think. Thanks again.

IMG_0474.jpg IMG_0475.jpg IMG_0476.jpg IMG_0478.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea I would say its pretty normal. Week 5 seems to be the week than they really yellow a lot. I used General hydro, followed the chart and had a nitrogen deficiency on my first grow, major around week 3. It affected yield. I wouldnt feed less nitrogen during early flower. Study shows that most strains actually use more nitrogen during flowering. Lower leaves yellowing in flowering is common but I would guess week 5-6 is ideal for the upper fan leaves to begin to suck out the green.


Well-Known Member
Also hard to tell exactly how yellow leaves are under an hps. I remember thinking my plant was really yellow and then I got a peek during lights out and she looked much greener. If you are using nutes it wouldnt hurt to up the nitrogen for the next two weeks.


Well-Known Member
You still have some time on those buds... looking good....
You have a little yellowing, tips burnt... On the older leaves right?
Your new leaves look good...if you had issues with new growth then you'd have a problem..
Those off colored tips/leaves look older... to me...

Your top cola... when those quit popping out white hairs... then you'll be close...
Then the top cola hairs that have stopped growing out...
will recede back into bud...

Tonight I'm harvesting a few plants... do done yesterday... no, still had white hair on top cola...
Should be receded tonight...

Trichomes are where I want them already... I am just waiting for final plump up from bud...
You'll be there soon... good luck man...


Active Member
Yeah it's def all older growth. I got nervous it was gonna spread to the new growth the way it was going. Thanks for the input. It def made me feel better. What would have been the plan of action if that was happening to the new growth?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It's damn hard to tell exactly whats going on. In the future, turn off the HPS before you take your pics.

Yes it is normal to get some yellowing and stem leaf die off in later stages of flower.

BUT, I'm pretty sure I see way to much to be "exactly" normal. I would bet the farm on what you have going is to much P&K use, to early into flower. That my friend is why MANY people would answer you with "You have a N def" or "you need more N". I can guarantee you that will NOT help the problem! The use of any high P&K supplement or early nutrient line "boost" of P&K over some levels will start this "yellowing" out. It starts with the stem leaves low on the plant and continues up the plant and out the branching to the fan leaves. In severe cases this will continue right out to the bud leaves and it sure will effect the harvest on that level (your NOT at that level!!).

Please list your nutrients and supplements that your using. Include what you used exactly at the point you went to flower. I'll be able to tell for sure from there.

At the start of flower my NPK is brought to 3.4 - 2.6 - week 4 I up that to 3.4 - 9.8 - 8.4 and with some strains, I may do some boosting at the last 2 weeks before wash.


Active Member
I haven't used any nutrients during flower. I gave them miracle grow 1 more time like a week or 2 before flower but that's it. More and more leaves are starting yellow and there tips are starting to roll upward. I'm afraid it's gonna start happening to the leaves coming out of the buds soon. Do u think it could be from underwarering?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yeah they'll finish out ok.....If your soil feels dry when you stick your finger in to the first knuckle = water it. If it feels damp = don't.
Next time skip the MG. Try DynaGro,,,,,water on one day and use feed solution the next,,repeat.