Need Help, Any Advice


Active Member
Hey, I'm relatively new to the growing community. Was wondering if anyone could explain specifics on what kind of lighting and soil and all that stuff. I've tried to start with some regs, however, i have been unsuccessful. I belief it is because of the lighting and/or atmosphere conditions. Have recently came across some purple seeds, but dont wanna fuck those up. Any advice/facts about what I should get??


Active Member
Hey, I'm relatively new to the growing community. Was wondering if anyone could explain specifics on what kind of lighting and soil and all that stuff. I've tried to start with some regs, however, i have been unsuccessful. I belief it is because of the lighting and/or atmosphere conditions. Have recently came across some purple seeds, but dont wanna fuck those up. Any advice/facts about what I should get??

Welcome to the board... you'll get out, what you put in.

Try surfing the forums... you'll find all the answers you need.


Well-Known Member
Tsk tsk tsk. You should be reading up on your marijuana horticulture buddy. I started out w/ a book, Jorge Cervantes' book. If I were to recommend one thing I'd recommend doing plenty of research before trying again. No one can really give you all the answers. You must search for them yourself :) GL Man

BTW ppl will always controdict eachother here. The best way to learn would be through experience.


Well-Known Member
if you are working with a medium budget i would say get a 400watt MH for flower and 400watt HPS for flower. If heat is a issue and a low budget I would get a bunch of CFL's to start. as far as soil im not too sure just because i have only grown hydro. For lighting got to great prices. as far as nutes go im also lost when it comes to soil. if you do hydro let me know and i can give you some pointers.


Well-Known Member
O here's a tip. If you're doing soil. Mix your own. Unless it has EVERYTHING you'll need. I doubt it will. I use Miracle Grow "Organic". I mix in Perlite (little white rocks). That helps w/ the drainage. I also add "Dolomite Lime". That helps w/ the pH. It will stay in check for the most part if you throw 1-2 Tbsp/gal of soil. My mix is about 70% MG 30% perlite, and the Tbsp of lime/gallon.


Well-Known Member
truthfully we can't break down everything thats out there for you because it depends on what you want to use to grow... for instance you can grow in soil but there all types of growing techniques in soil... same as growing in water....sand...etc

also it depends on your grow area... are you growing in a pc case, a closet, a room, a cabinet... because that might effect the type of lighting you want to use... for smaller areas some like to use compact flouroscent lights and other like to use lights call mh and hid for a larger area...

i recommend reading up, looking around first... but soil is a common start for a lot of people until they read up on the different techniques and ways of growing, that they eventually find whats good for them and make changes... you might be a hydro man, or a soil lover who doesn't want to use chemicals and does it organically....


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm relatively new to the growing community. Was wondering if anyone could explain specifics on what kind of lighting and soil and all that stuff. I've tried to start with some regs, however, i have been unsuccessful. I belief it is because of the lighting and/or atmosphere conditions. Have recently came across some purple seeds, but dont wanna fuck those up. Any advice/facts about what I should get??
basic is better first time out. try mg moisture control soil.flouro lights for veg till 12 to 18 inches tall and hps lighting for flower. better bloom flowereing nutes every week used with doctor hornsby everyother week. start off slow wit nutes and work up