Need help asap! Everything keeps dying within 5 days, don't know what I'm doing wrong


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem when i first started growing !! .......................... its simply stagnant air that is causeing the super thin seedlings they need lots and lots of fresh air , i use rockwool to have for years !!

i simpely use water strate out of the tap in rockwool cubes that i have pre stabbed with something long and thin to make a thin hole in the cube so the seedlings doesnt have nowere to go ! i use a cocktail stick , toothpick what ever you call them in your country ,
and then as soon as they have there first 2 tiny green leafs keep changein the air !! 5 times a day so the air isnt stagnant !!

your temps seem good about 22c ..... perfect , just make sure its a constant and the temp dosnt drop lower than that it can go higher without a prob !!

forget ph'in water or usein any wacky chemicals all you need is plain water a good temp and fresh air , once they have a few leafs they wont be as sensitive and can take a bit more abuse
hope this helps :)


forget ph'in water or usein any wacky chemicals all you need is plain water a good temp and fresh air , once they have a few leafs they wont be as sensitive and can take a bit more abuse
If you do not PH your water, you will have even more issues. Promise.


Very interesting I actually didnt know that, you learn something new every day. See most of my seeds actually didnt have a curl to the initial root, not sure if thats uncommon but 3/4 didnt, 1 did however, but i just put it in the hole with the root down and the curl coming upwards. Hopefully that was correct, i did however read a forum though that was discussing how to put it in and the basic point of the forum is that its experienced based and that people even put them in sideways and seem to think that works just as well. Also, so do you recommend that i soak the ph at 5.0 when im soaking the rw? like just keep soaking it for a few days to rinse out whatever may be in or on it? also at what point do i start putting nutes in the water with auto's? like 2 weeks i was thinking... correct me if im wrong im not sure if u can mix the nutes in a gallon of ph'ed water and pour that lightly on them? i plan to switch to the emilys garden when they are about 3 inches tall and use the wicks i just picked up (you just stick those into the reservoir with the two loose ends and fix it into the lava rock/potting rock so that it is sitting 3 inches above the water and have the rockwool resting on top right lol im really sorry for all the stupid questions but since i am an absolute beginner i just need very detail oriented guidance, almost as though you are speaking to a 4th grader about growing, i mean yes ive researched but research and doing are two COMPLETELY different things and some things are very vague in detail . and last question for the moment and sort've a statement in the mix, my seedlings turn blackish after they somewhat die, could that be from something specific or is that just typical death? thanks guys toke back and dream sweet tonight!!
Ok so........when placing the seed. You want which ever side of the seed has the tap root coming out of it to be facing upward. If it is not curved, it will slowly start too once you have it in its medium. Regardless of how you place the seed though, it will eventually find its way out. By placing it correctly will help it use its energy on growing leaves and bigger, than trying to figure out how to correct it self under soil. I always PH my water last, just before it goes in the pot. I also use distilled water for the first week, then i switch to tap water. Never grown an auto, but I give my girls nutes at week 1. Dont think a seedling will die a certain way depending on what happened to it, it just dies.

I just put the rockwool cubes in 5.8 ph water and im going to let them soak for 24 hours while my little girls germinate now. i put about 1/16 teaspoon of kangaroots into the water to immediately stimulate root growth as soon as they are dropped in, i moved the light down to three inches from the top of one of the ones i think i might be able to save, its turning a little greener and standing up a little better so fingers are still crossed, i water that one with a light dose of kangaroots as well and i think that had a positive effect which is why i chose to add just a tiny tiny dose to the water that is soaking my rockwool, if anyone thinks that this is a mistake lemme know cause i still have about 20 hours to flush it out with some other fresh good ph'ed water, but from what it seems like its not gonna cause a problem. I think im getting the hang of this now a little more and i can feel success knocking! thanks for any advice in advance.​
I PH to 6-6.3 for soil. Never used anything for root growth. Not sure if you have a dome or not, but humidity will help your seedlings a lot.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If you do not PH your water, you will have even more issues. Promise.
all we ph water for is so the plant can intake nutriants ! seeds dont need any nuts for the first week to 10 days , i dont bother ph'in the water untile i start the seedlings on 1/4 strength nuts once the first real set of leafs show !!

i had his exact problem when i started years and years ago, its dew to no air movement, stagnant air, long as the temps are right he needs to change the air alot and they should be ok,

iv grown thousands of seeds this way in rockwool in a propergator !!

but it wont hurt ph'in the water suppose will give him peice of mind goin hes done evrything he could :)

i hope he cracks it this time
So the one i thought i could save, cant be saved, its only getting worse now even after i moved the light closer. I decided to open a small corner of the tent and setup a box fan that is pushing new air into the tent constantly. I also put a small heater in there as well in order to keep the temp regulated to 82 because the outside are is only 72 and if i dont use the heater will be too low for ideal conditions. I was thinking about taking a pin and poking small holes in the sides and bottom of the rockwool cubes, and i mean small, in order to provide a little more air that way theres no chance that i can be smothering them. but i digress, i put a little kangaroots like i said in the ph'd distilled water yesterday so, now since my little girls that i just threw in the napkins havent quite germed yet, i decided im gonna take the rockwool cubes out, refresh the water supply with a TINY bit of nutes and let them soak until the germ process finishes, from what i was reading on this thread... people are saying drop the ph to 5.0? is that really whats good for seedlings in rockwool? i read 5.5-6.5. Anyhow i also put the 32watt cfl right on top the humidome so its like 4 inches from the top of the cubes that are in there and dying seedlings. I put a tiny pc fan at its slowest setting inside the humidome as well just to exhaust the air and completely replenish it every 10 minutes or so due to the heater blowing slightly warmer temps into the side of the dome and the germ dome. I never have a problem germing and have a 100% rate to date so im proud of that, wish i could say the same for growth. i was seriously considering just taking the seeds, putting them into the rockwool cubes and then almost immediately putting the cubes into my emilys garden after putting the wicks in place and then adding my hydroton and hanging the cfl above it and seeing if they will sprout then due to having air circulation from the bubbler in the reserve, advice? good ideas bad ideas? which is the best and what else can i really do...


So the one i thought i could save, cant be saved, its only getting worse now even after i moved the light closer. I decided to open a small corner of the tent and setup a box fan that is pushing new air into the tent constantly. I also put a small heater in there as well in order to keep the temp regulated to 82 because the outside are is only 72 and if i dont use the heater will be too low for ideal conditions. I was thinking about taking a pin and poking small holes in the sides and bottom of the rockwool cubes, and i mean small, in order to provide a little more air that way theres no chance that i can be smothering them. but i digress, i put a little kangaroots like i said in the ph'd distilled water yesterday so, now since my little girls that i just threw in the napkins havent quite germed yet, i decided im gonna take the rockwool cubes out, refresh the water supply with a TINY bit of nutes and let them soak until the germ process finishes, from what i was reading on this thread... people are saying drop the ph to 5.0? is that really whats good for seedlings in rockwool? i read 5.5-6.5. Anyhow i also put the 32watt cfl right on top the humidome so its like 4 inches from the top of the cubes that are in there and dying seedlings. I put a tiny pc fan at its slowest setting inside the humidome as well just to exhaust the air and completely replenish it every 10 minutes or so due to the heater blowing slightly warmer temps into the side of the dome and the germ dome. I never have a problem germing and have a 100% rate to date so im proud of that, wish i could say the same for growth. i was seriously considering just taking the seeds, putting them into the rockwool cubes and then almost immediately putting the cubes into my emilys garden after putting the wicks in place and then adding my hydroton and hanging the cfl above it and seeing if they will sprout then due to having air circulation from the bubbler in the reserve, advice? good ideas bad ideas? which is the best and what else can i really do...​
I would say no fan inside the dome. bowl of water to bring humidity up. I PH my water to 6-6.3, soak the cubes, then pop the seeds in. Maybe dont use the root nutes or any nutes for that matter. Never actually checked my runoffs after the rockwool cubes but hasnt effected me yet.
Alright man thanks I flushed most of the root stuff out with new water, popped one of the seeds in today other three will be ready later tonight, my humidity is sitting at 66% with a 86 temp consistently now, should I be keeping my lights on 24/7 even when they are seedlings because its an auto or could that be what's killing them, just the little 32watt cfl about 6 inches away because I can't get much closer with the dome top on. I'm gonna put my air bubbler in a cup of water inside the dome because I heard that keeps humidity super constant and helps stop drying up so quickly. I poked a few tiny hills in the bottom of the rockwool as well to give the roots a little guidance where to go and I mean tiny don't wanna suffocate the poor little suckers lol might as well experiment cause nothing was working before
2011-11-07 11.49.40.jpg
ok so the one on the left looks like an extremely healthy plant, they are about 6 days old, i tried another 3 of them and all three germed and all three sprouted, now i just have a quick question, the one on the left is ak47 autofem, the one in the middle is blue himalayan autofem, and the one on the right is a amnesia haze that i was intending on doing as a test but it turns out they all popped up. I put these smaller cubes into larger rockwool cubes now because the roots are starting to come out of the cubes and have no where to go so i put them in larger 3x3 cubes and soaked the larger cubes in 1/4 strength seedling recommended nutes for veg. Can anyone tell me what the problem with the middle one is? the leaves seem to be drooping a bit and id like to prevent future problems, also, the one on the right seems like it is now growing 2 plants lol has anyone ever seen this before? its definetly only one seed.
2011-11-07 15.04.52.jpg
this is what they look like right now after throwing them in there, i figured it cant hurt to give them room to expand and if they take, and the roots start to go through this in about a week i will put them in the emilys garden, if anyone thinks im doing anything wrong, please let me know as i am very interested and ive made more progress than ever and id REALLY hate to mess this up.