Need help asap please!


Ok so this is my first grow and im using CFL's (8 23watt) in a 1'dx2'lx3'h cabinet.
I vegged for 3 weeks and now in the middle of week 2 flowering
Im using FF nutes but at 1/2 stength only used a couple times during week 3 of vegging
my plants at ther end of week 3 were about 4in high and looking great
now they are still the same height and the leafs are yellowing and dying from the bottom up
after looking through RIU i came to the conclusion that i have a mg problem
after i found this out i started feeding the plants a little bit more nutes, but i have seen no improvement yet
i have 4 plants total and 2 of them are not doing as bad as the other 2
i have them in 5x5x6'' square pots, i was planning on transplanting into bigger pots and using FF soil once i found out the sex and killed off the males
but a week and a half into flowering there are no sighns of sex so i have a problem that needs to be fixed
I have been watering usually every day or every other day (as soon as soil is dry 2in down) with water ph around 6.5
temp are around 82 during day and 68 at night.
plants are about 3in away from light with plexi glass right below the light to help with heat problems i had
i got one 6in fan blowing on low through the light on period

thats all that i can think of right now, i cant get pics up cuz i cant find my camera and its the dark period

but im running to the store tomorrow on my day off and i was wondering what i should get or do to help these little guys out
i was thinking of using cal-mag or estop salt or w/e its called but i figured i would post here and ask first

any help very much appreciated
thanks in advance


ok so i decided if im going tomorrow to fix the problem and in order to do that i need to figure out the problem before then so i decided to use my bad camera to take a few pics of my worse plant. and after looking at more threads its starting to look like a N problem too check it out first pic is from when they were a week old



Well-Known Member
looks real droopy. where is your water coming from and are you sure its drying out good check it from the bottom. I would use a good dose of macro nutes or somthing with a low dose of everything except N-P-K


I forget the name of the soil but i got it from my local hydroponic store cuz a guy in there recomended it to me so i decided to go with that until i transplant. Water is comming from walmart spring water or something.

and does anyone recomend a cheap automatic ph and ppm meter; i dont like the one i got and it onlt measures ph.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
if the leaves were yellowing from the bottom up the last thing I would suspect is mag def as it would not have started from bottom up, this is normally N def but it also looks like in your effort to feed and fix you have overwatered big time. For Now I would not do anything and see if the soil drys within the week. I would not add anything until you get the soil fixed and you may need to transplant to get the plant into some dryer soil; however its looking too weak to transplant atm. I would say your biggest issue right now is your trying to do too much and its now overwatered, you may as well pull the dead leaves and allow it to dry and possibly flush for first watering and not feed anything until it stands the leaves up a bit


i was using grow big 2 times in the last week very little amount tho then i waited about half week into flower to start tiger bloom.only used twice now. i dont see how i over watered cuz the top of the soil dry by the end of the day and i only water once a day or two. but your more experienced then me so ill take your word.


Well-Known Member
Check the pot At the bottom. Your main system of roots is lower than a couple inches. Your fans and the heat my be dryin the soil on top. stick your finger up that pots a$$ i bet you draw back a finger full of mud. Pick up a pot of your soil thats bone dry, and then the plant pot, this will also give you an idea of how wet it is. A plant that size prob only nedds water every four days but this greatly depends on climate in your grow area.


ok so i got two problems now? a mg def and overwatering?
can i fix the mg def while i wait for the soil to dry up?
anyone recomend a flushing solution i can get that would help?
and i also still need an auto ph/ppm metter any good deals on those?

thanks for the help +rep


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you have enough perlite in there that you don't have to worry about overwatering, so my guess is that they didn't like the fert, or that they are really thirsty.(or both) If I were you, I'd put them back into veg until you get the problem straightened out, or they aren't going to produce much at all.

So, I guess my main question dry are they when you go to water them after 2 days? Really dry? Any moisture below the first 1" of soil?


Well-Known Member
Also, these plants are 11 days into veg(18 days since cutting the clones) in 6" pots, and haven't needed any fert yet, so that'll give you an idea how long they can go with the nutrients that are in the soil. They are just over 3 weeks now, and I just gave then their first light dose of nutes.



Well-Known Member
Also, these plants are 11 days into veg(18 days since cutting the clones) in 6" pots, and haven't needed any fert yet, so that'll give you an idea how long they can go with the nutrients that are in the soil. They are just over 3 weeks now, and I just gave then their first light dose of nutes.
They are looking very nice now I would go with the suggestion offered to water only when they feel light enough by picking up the pots and knowing the dry weight. They look like they are doing fine now and they should be able to handle the nutes your starting off light it sounds like. From the pic they look right on track now, good luck


ok so i waited for them to get absolutlyt bone dry and i gave them a nice dose of water today we'll see how it goes from here


well thank you for all the help the plants are looking nice and perky all up straight and no drooping. all they needed was a nice drink with a little bit of nutes.
