Need help ASAP please!!

I'm growin in a closet so I need a few pointers on what to do to make my plant get big quickly .I'm new to growing. I have germinated my seeds & planted the sprouts. They are now growing above the soil with 2 leaves. I keep it under direct light for 18hrs on & 6hrs off. I'm just going off what I have read from this site & a handful:-?l of others.Is this a good start?


Yeah sounds good mate, what sort of light do you have? and how far away is it? any air flow? do you know what strain?
I'm just using a regular bulb for right now. Went to walmart last night & asked for LED lights but I couldn't get any assistance,where is some where I should go for cheap grow lights? Thanks for replying to my post!
I'm just using a regular bulb right now. I went to walmart for LED lights but couldn't get any help. Any suggestions on where I can purchase good priced (cheap) grow lights?


just get some little CFLs (compact Flourecent Lights) to start off, that will be fine for the time being, but you want the 6500k anything over 20 watts will be fine to start, should be able to get them at any big store or supermarket, and you can keep those a couple of inches away without burning your plants (they will need to be as close as possible to prevent stretching) how many girls have you germinated?
Thanks. Do any of you have advice on when I should start feeding it? I'm just spraying water over the top as of now but I have organic choice all purpose plant food by miracle grow & some hyponex all purpose plant food
I germinated about ten. I see 4 sprouting. Its just a test for now so I'm not trying to do anything big. just want to get the hang of this before I start growing major stranger. I planted 4 seeds from some afgan & probably of them were regular strands


Active Member
Go to wal-mart and get these 2 packs of 26 watt, 6500k, cfls. I got 6 total for less than 15 bucks. That's a better start than a regular bulb. That's my 2 and a half cents. lol. Check out my pics, they are two weeks old. I'm NOT a pro at this but, I listened to everyone on here and did it right (I'm guessing it's right anyway.).


Well-Known Member
Since you don't really know a whole lot about growing (which is fine, everyone has to start off somewhere), I would suggest starting off with compact florescent lights. Keep it about an inch away from the plants, you'll need more of them as you go along.

My best advice to you, is start reading. Read all the stickies in the general growing and the newbie central forums. Just reading those will help you TONS. That's why I did when I first started growing, although I learned a lot before I actually started to grow.


Active Member
Lowes &HD have 6 packs cheap but a 4 foot CFL works very easy hung over a table with chain or even coat hangers.


Active Member
Each to their own level I should get a pic with me & my tomatoes. For $10 you can be ahead of most pot growers Get a ph test kit for a fish tank and some Miracle Grow to adjust your water before you water your plants. My water is alkaline so I use acid MG to fix my water and nutrients. My first 4 tomato plants were topped at six (6) feet. That is all I have spent besides seeds this year and my tomato sandwich was VERY GOOD! for lunch! :mrgreen: Sorry forgot the Max spray for first and last cut worm on my tomatoes $7.95. ( Think I saw Neem Oil at Lowes $8.95 for 4oz?
You need a BUCK LOAD of knowledge dude.
Theirs colleges that teach how to grow this plant and people leave their still with much to learn.
All we can say here is read , read , read!


Active Member
Just a test! Got another pack of BIG tomato seeds over a week still watching 100% germination? I will have a load of big fried green tomatoes this fall! Learning as I go this year bought 2 tom plants and 14 seedlings in ground.:mrgreen: Would it be nice to get YOUR favorite seeds at the feed & seed? Use your computer to let your representatives know what you really think Legalize now!