Need help asap plzzzz help


well two days ago my kid was playin around in my grow room with me i was fixing the ph in my tote and he shoved my hand try to stand up since he just started to learn to walk and i accidentlly dropped the ph to 2.8 so i rushed to mmy hydro shop and bought ph up i slowly brought it up too normal but one of my plants started to look like if its dying i really want to save her plz help im seven days into flowering i don want to mmake all that hard work go to waste heres some piks

using 15 g tote
250 watt hps
dwc system
temps are at 73
using mother earth bloom but i just added 1/3 of the recommended dosage
if u need more info let me now


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I have read that a big PH swing will most likely destroy the nutes and more or less contaminate the soil. Hence the the Flush ideas---if she is good to go you can gamble that the P is not dusted in there and hope you do not get black or purple plants with stunted yield. Or you can flush and reload the soil with Epsom salts and nutes and way you go with nothing more then 10 bucks and an hour invested.


i have read that a big ph swing will most likely destroy the nutes and more or less contaminate the soil. Hence the the flush ideas---if she is good to go you can gamble that the p is not dusted in there and hope you do not get black or purple plants with stunted yield. Or you can flush and reload the soil with epsom salts and nutes and way you go with nothing more then 10 bucks and an hour invested.
i get u i get but the thing is im using deep water culture method homie not soil


Active Member
well change your water, and hope for the best, thats all i can suggest, she'll try and suck up what she needs, just replace everything in there so its back to what it should be


Active Member
also try giving her more darkness, not entirely sure it will help too much but it will give her more recovery time


New Member
ARE you sure about your temp ?
Are you sure your water lines no clogged ?

same thoughts, re check all your equip. And if you EVER screw up your nute mix and she drinks some, flush flsuh flsush, you can't hurt them by flushing the hell out of them


well all the equipment is good i made a dwc sytem like rosemans by the way do alot of leaves start dying once u go into flowering im going into ten days of flowering and they are loosing alot of leaves