Need help asap???


Well-Known Member
I have started growing indoors under a 250w hps just one plant and i have the light about 8-10" away from the top of the plant and the 2 main colas on the very top buds theirs no hairs and its brown and its the 31 day of flowering....also she is not growing any taller for the last 5 days does anyone no what is wrong?


Well-Known Member
Well that far in all the energy goes to the buds...mine has been at 30" for like 2 or 3 week but the buds will get fatter. What flowering nutes are you using?


Active Member
sounds like your lightcouldbe a little close if the tops of the budslook brown. if your hand gets hot when its sitting the same distance from light as the top ofthe cola then you should probaby raise the light a little. i have a 400watt sitting 2ft away from the top of thecola and it works just about perfect. try keeing the light at like 15inches. that should help. i


Well-Known Member
You might have burned the top colas pistals. My last grow the girls shot up the first few weeks of flowering than stopped growing verticle and started filling out the buds.