need help asap


i need to move this plant asapppp its about to start flowering if i move in to a pot n put in a better place will it die i want to move it coz nxt door seen it its to big only 2ft i cood ezy get it out with out gettin the roots so plzzzz need to be moved tonight!


Active Member
i need to move this plant asapppp its about to start flowering if i move in to a pot n put in a better place will it die i want to move it coz nxt door seen it its to big only 2ft i cood ezy get it out with out gettin the roots so plzzzz need to be moved tonight!
Well if you really have to move it then i'd say work slowly at the roots dont just rip it out of the ground, some roots will probably be damaged but they can regrow..


Active Member
make sure you dig down deep enough cannibis loves to grow roots deep in the soil and wide enough to not cut the main feeding roots your can move your plant but be ready for it to be shocked for a few days. So dont over water its easy to do when transplanting from out doors to an indoor envierment becouse your plant will go into a water and nutreint lock out during shock but if you dont cut too many roots it will bounce back and also donot put under 12/12 until your plant shows sign of new growth


yea im i just moving it to a dif place in the yard it shood be in the shade for 2 dayz arfter i do this so it get growing again?