need help asap!!!!!!

I've got my baby ( la diva autoflower) and she just now is showing threw the soil so I took my plastic off and I have the light set up like so
(The lights are in a triangle it won't do it on here)

(Light). :leaf: (Light). There 2 26 watt 6500k and a 23 watt ithink 2800k lights and there about 3 inches above her but I don't no how far away I should have them or even a better setup, I don't wana fry her plz hurry


Well-Known Member
Hey dude.

I'm a first time grower too, and I'm also using CFLs. From what I've read about CFLs, the rule of thumb is that you should put the lights as close to your plant(s) as possible without burning them. You'll know if they're too close to the plants by putting your hand under the bulbs at the same distance that your plants would be. If the heat from the bulbs don't feel too hot on your skin, your plants should be fine.

CFLs also lose their lumen efficiency when they're too far away from the plants, so try to keep them a few inches away max. If you have some spare cash, you should probably buy a few more bulbs. During early veg the plants don't need too much light, but if you want decent buds to form, I think you'll need more lights.

Keep us updated and good luck with the grow.


p.s. post some pics if you can.
