Need help asap

Ya I just am asking for some help asap about what ican do it help my plant while outside please stop trying to linger a problem me and my kin have gotten over with. not the advice i was asking for.


Well-Known Member
I see a dead plant in your future...but you did good getting her started! Yeah, move out and make your way in the world.


Well-Known Member
For someone that doesn't want personal advice, you sure bust a gut in your opening post.


Staff member
the problem with 18 year olds is that when advice is given and they dont like the answer, they say its bad advice :D
Did i say you any one gave me bad advice i just want you guys to switch over to your professional side and not your personal side view and help me out stop trying to play out something that is not happening.


Well-Known Member
It's really hard to know what it is you are wanting to know after getting caught up in all the drama with your father and the rain storm. Are things okay with Mom?
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dude look at the bottom of the post, Yes both my parents don't mind they know what i do and it's my choice they just don't want a higher power bill, and i got mad becasue I mean how I was forced to move plants from there vegging room a had going into a windy ass field and hope to god the rains that night don't drown them.
i had made a small box with a cover over the top for tonight, thanks for the insight also but bug repent powder around all the plant surrounding my cannabis plant for insect protection as well.