NEED HELP, Attic Grow Temperature Issues!


Active Member
<P>I live in Northern Wisconsin where temperatures average 9 degrees in the day, and 0 at night.</P>
<P>I am an expierienced grower who has had to resort to a more Stealth grow op starting a week ago. Im gunna need a lot of help.</P>
<P>One seedling survived freezing temps all night after my space heater shitted out on me. I immediatly replaced it with this one:</P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>
<P>I put it about 8 inches away from the space heater, monitered it for about an hour then took a nap, three hours later the plant was dead! Fock!&nbsp; <IMG class=inlineimg border=0 alt=0 src="" smilieid="212"></P>
<P>Though i was thinking i would need 2 space heaters because, half of the cup was warm, the other half was cold. I wonder if it was already dead from being frozen? I need all the climate control suggestions i can get!</P>
<P>Thanks a lot! I just dont want another Snow White to die because of the damn snow.</P>


Well-Known Member
hi .the questions you asked are very broad and more detailed info is needed .
1. how big is your grow space ?
2. is it well insulated ?
3. whats your growing style hydro ,soil , or soilless mixture ?
4. what type of lights you are using ?
5. How many plants are you trying to grow ?
6. what type of growing supplies do you have ?

it sounds like you are growing in an open attic. that being said , my advice would be to get a grow tent (that's the easy way out) or do some dyi and build a smaller enclosure ,thats well insulated. you then would be able to regulate temps a lot better . if you need supplies go here on riu its a great thread .


Active Member
hi .the questions you asked are very broad and more detailed info is needed .
1. how big is your grow space ?
2. is it well insulated ?
3. whats your growing style hydro ,soil , or soilless mixture ?
4. what type of lights you are using ?
5. How many plants are you trying to grow ?
6. what type of growing supplies do you have ?

it sounds like you are growing in an open attic. that being said , my advice would be to get a grow tent (that's the easy way out) or do some dyi and build a smaller enclosure ,thats well insulated. you then would be able to regulate temps a lot better . if you need supplies go here on riu its a great thread .

Thank you for the reply. I think now im going to clear out all insulationg out of a 7' x 3.5' area and pile it up on the sides then im going to hang up a thick comforter blanket around the area and set the space heater in the corner. Its gunna be A LOT of work.

Is there any type of thermometer that i could plug a heater or fan into that could be regulated by a temperature gauge?

btw at the mommemt im running 2; 23 watt CFL, and 2; 42 watt CFL, trying to get a rotating crop of 4 plants.
I may be a pussy cause I have persoan, experience sitting on the neighbors porch watching everything I own go up in one big flame but..... sounds like a fire waiting to happen!! Be careful!


I built a couple boxes in the attic and use the a/c|heat from the house unit.. So far it working very well. Was 15 last night and box was 75..


Well-Known Member
Your plants are going to die and you will put your family at risk of death also. You are suggesting uninsulating the place you live and need to pay to heat and building a fire trap that will produce little or no marijuana. Please wait until May and plant outdoors.


Active Member
This definitly a lot to think about.

I'll have to post some pictures real soon of what i did i just cleared all the insulation and put up a huge thick blanket around part of the grow area then i set up a space heater in the back. Testing it out temperatures stayed steady around 68 degrees. Also the Space Heat I am using automatically shuts off whenever its tipped...

'MileHigh' your house burned down from your grow op??