Need Help Big Time.


Alright this is my first time growing weed. and it seems to be doing well but shit how can make the growing process alot faster and i dont want my plant to be noticeable. so how can i make it shorter as well???:blsmoke:


Active Member
Well first u got to let nature take its course. What lights you using, soil, etc? Pics? And you want it short so do you know what strain you have indica or sativa. Indica are short. Sativa are tall. But to keep short.from what I learn. Correct me.if I'm wrong but keeps lights close as possible without burning plant. Or certain hieght u want top it a little early. Someone with more experience can help out their.


okay. im just doing it to it. But how much light do it needs im mean. Ive had it under a lamp. and then i take them outside for a awhile. just to see how they adjust to the sunlight instead of the lamp light the seeming to be doing fine. im using regular potting soil is that good? Im going to start posting pics soon. but I dont even know what kinda plant it is. since its just starting out. im pretty lost at this since i dont know what the hell im doing.


Active Member
Yea. From my experience. This is my second grow. It stresses the plant if getting brought in.n out. Plus bacteria or creatures or.wutever gets on when its outside. If your doing under a lamp under one plant maybe its OK lol. But how many Watts is it? Regular potting soil idk much but pretty sure foxfarm is better to use. And since you don't know what kind what if its a male.are you going to keep it? I don't like growing males. You can get 5 female seeds off Nirvana for.35-40 bucks us.


Okay well I'll Keep it inside for now on. im just using a regular light bulb. it seems to be working. I have like 8 growing at the


Active Member
Ok. Wow 8 with a regular bulb? Cfl? Experienced ppl will say u need over 5 lol. Or maybe get a hps or mh. I'm using cfl bulbs. Growing in a box with a fan and homemade reflector. ur plant. And also wen u veg, I do 18/6 light schedule. On.2 weeks. About 2-4 more weeks I'm going to flower then u go 12/12.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
there are several ways of training your plant/s. google the sea of green method. this is the theory that instead of having 3 or 4 really big plants you can have 9 or 10 small plants that produce the same amount of yeild. this is the best method of growing if you are trying to be stealth about it. height of my plant wouldnt be my first worry though. my first worry would be how are you going to control the pungent stench of mj plants once they are flowering? keeping them hidden is the easiest part of it! plant a bunch of tomatoes around your girl and that should keep them camoflauged.


Active Member
you could just train the plant and it will remain short with a lot more terminal buds... it also makes better use of the available lights as to one flower doesnt dominate the light supply.