need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)


Active Member
hey rollituppers,
i got an issue with my cheese clone, for some reason the lower leafs are turning a darkish green color and curling downward and seems like its dying off, the soil i got is fox farms ocean forest im not sure if i need to feed or if its too much food, please any advice/tips/help id really appreciate it thanks again!


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In my expediences with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, I've learned that it's got plenty of food in it for your plants. I'd say the FFOF soil usually goes four to six weeks before you need to personally add any nutrients. From the looks of it you might have added some nutes before your plant needed them. On the bright side, it doesn't look too bad, so if you've added any nutrients I'd stop that and just go with water until she shows you she needs something.


Active Member
hey thanks for the fast reply man, i dont know if the club i got her at feed her any nutes i did a transplant into a 2 gal pot from a pixie cup about a week ago, all i gave after the transplant was ph'd water and you are right fox farms does have nutes for up to 6 weeks or so. i pulled all the affected leafs, do you know what could this be tho? thanks again


No problem man, I was just browsing threads and yours popped up. Since I have some experience with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, I figured I'd give some four-one-one.

If I had to guess, with what you've told me, it's probably a little bit of shock / nute burn from the new soil. If they didn't give her any nutes before you got her, then she probably didn't take as well as you would've liked to the new soil. Don't worry though, like I said above, it doesn't look to be a significant problem. Just stick to water and keep an eye on her over the next few days. You should be alright.


Active Member
thanks man!
yeah im diffidently keeping an eye on her, im not seeing it on any of the new growth or the side branches just the old single "water leafs" if it does progress on the next watering ill give it a small dose of nutes? or should i just water her n let the soil nutes take effect..


I'd hold off on the nutrients. With nutrients, you always want to remember, less is more. You can always add more when needed, but once you've overdone it, the damage is done. You'll just end up creating more BS for yourself by giving her too much. As long as you pay attention to your garden, you'll see the signs of what plants need. Right now, I'd lay off the nutes, mainly because you just planted into a pretty rich soil with FFOF.

Don't create a problem for yourself. Stick with water until the Fox Farm has been used up, then do your thing!


Active Member
Can you post a pic of whole plant. whats your lights, temps, RH?
i dont know the temps right now i need to but a temp gauge thing at the end of this month, my lights im using is a T-5 or T-8 not sure only using this till veg then i got another light for flowering.



Well-Known Member
There is no reason to pull leaves that are a little curled from over feeding.
It's not a disease it's not going to spread and those leaves were still perfectly healthy enough to photosynthesize
If anything the plant is more stressed from the defoliation on top of the overfeed now.


Active Member
i know that but i also wanted more light to get to the side branches coming in too an later down the road i am going to top her as well. i do understand what you mean


Well-Known Member
IT could be a number of things: not enough light to the bottom foliage, no air movement, not consistant temps, too much water...


Active Member
for sure its not too much water and i got plenty of air movement on her an i got good lighting too. once i top her those side branches are gunna shoot up super high.