Need help choosing proper nutes??

i will dig holes but lining the holes with heavy duty contractor bag, then fill those with my soils!! easier route then buying big containers

Which begs the question.. how's it going to drain if you get 4 inches of rain in a night?
you don't have to line the holes. i use MG 1/2 strength outside with molasses and Dutch Masters veg and flower parts a and b or 1 and 2 i forget what they call it. i'm not organic though and i don't recall if you said you were or not. good luck.
because synthetic kills the organics that's already in the soil. I would let the micro organism do the work for me rather than fighting against nature that has already been done for years naturally. How do you think trees and other plants that grow in the wild? Natural organic nutes are already in the ground for them from decaying plant matter or worms in the soil birds shit etc.I would just dig the hole and fill up the space with your choice of organic soil and just let it grow and add a little food here and there at the end of its cycle. Less work IMO.
reason for lining the holes is to cut down on intruders going after the roots!! ive had that problem before using just bag seeds..all these termite looking thing ate all my roots killing my plants