i do really like your pepper spray idea. Maybe ill make that shit and carry it in the backpack as a dual spider mite spray and self defense weapon
does this pepper spray have a shelf life and how long? just wondering cause i'm thinking about making some
first, i feel that spider mite eggs may go dormant if the area is cold, say CONCRETE (~55deg F) or some other circumstance, until that place is warmed up.
so what you gotta do first is keep your light on, shut off your exhaust and everthing. let it warm up to ~80-90 degrees... let it chill...
do this a few times
now do it again but this time, turn the fan on and spray inside the intake with a somewhat powerful bleach spray. also i do the exhaust.
I use clorox at a mild dose of 1 cap/gal so i'd say 5-6 caps in a gallon should work.
now we spray it, the bleach should kill everything. maybe using warm water will help.
also this will decrease mold probability for next time!
now i shut the fan off and then spray down and wipe the whole room. vaccuuming first may be a +!
make believe you have to clean every square inch
its important when applying pesticides to rooms to make sure there is no air circulation, because it will create dry spots where the instects could potentially survive
also you want the lights to be off
and also if using a pesticide on a plant, be sure it is well watered and first do a foliar feed of plain water to slow down water uptake through the leaves.
the goal is letting the stuff sit, getting in every nook and cranny
in corners you may want to change it from spray to stream
and afterwards, maybe 2 hours later, crank everything on and do a final quick spray,
and let it dry out.
thats what i would (did) do