need help cloning?


Active Member
Adding nutrients to your water is important. You want to spray your plants with the water/nutrient solution. Keep the plastic dome humid, though there should be a few holes poked. Air circulation is important to prevent rot/mold. You can still save them, I do sugget investing 40 dollars on the system I made for myself. It is the most accurate I have used and the most efficient and you wont have to kill any plants :) The plants would be better off staying under 24 hours of light. Plants use the nighttime to put their nutrients back into the roots for root growth. You have no roots, meaning they have no need for night.
i would totally build it, butttt i need to know how first, mby a video?


Well-Known Member
giving nutrients to clones is not only not needed but inadvisable. If you're feeding your plant it has no reason to sprout roots. and seriously there is no reason to spend more than 10$ to clone plants... some hormones and a couple dollar store tupperwares as a humidity dome and you're golden


Well-Known Member
You don't have to cut through a just need to make sure there is at least one node in the part that you bury, or put in water or cloner or whatever. I have tried cloning with just a cup of water, and it never worked...but in a cloner I made myself for less than $30 including the pump I can have 8 rooted clones in 7 days...and you can do as many at a time as holes you cut yourself when you make said is impossible to get it wrong..water, sumb pump, pvc piping, and then some sprayers...oh and a bucket with a lid. Haven't had one die using my cloner, except one run that I forgot to plug the pump back in...oops...


Active Member

sorry to here that.Most likely a ''friend'' did it

atually it was a littlew pussy in a tiny gang with like 10 ppl called crazy white boys (crazy white pussys is what everyone calls them) i went over the dudes house cause hes on house arrest and called him and told him come outside cause i was going to beat his ass, and he wouldnt even come outside, he talks so much shit, i cant wait till i see him


Hey, do you want me to take a video of how I take clones? I am going to take a fresh batch of Alaskan Thunderfucks soon.


Active Member
just got like a 10 or 15 gallon tank, i have a plan for making it a cloner like guido93

spraypaint glass black

drill holes in wood for top

hole for bubler

, now wich is honestly best for cloning, metal halide, flouro, hps? ive read meatal halide but, you never know whats the truth


Active Member
ahh very true, but is it correct that mh is best for veg? after i get them rootted should i put them under a mh for a while, orr just stright outside?