need help contacting dr greenthumb


Well-Known Member
when i try to e-mail him my computer has a pop up that says "could not perform this operation becouse the default mail client is not properly installed" i can not even find his e-mail address just the button to e-mail him. i have no problems with any other buisinesses e-mails. thanks for any help you guys can give.peace


Well-Known Member
It's saying that because you don't have the email client on your computer configured.

Go to the website and hit the page where the email button link is. Right click in the page and hit view source. Look in the code for something like this:

<a href=[EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]>
the email address in that link would be the address that hyperlink sends an email to. So just copy that and use it in your web based client.

If you can't find it. Put a link up to the page where the button is and I will take a look for you.


Well-Known Member
I found the website your talking about. The email address is:


Well-Known Member
thanks banditt, much apprecieted. no i have not ordered yet. if he answers my e-mail i will most likely buy his endless sky femmed, and maybe a thing or two more depending on what he has to say. thanks again.