Need Help Controlling Heat


Active Member
Please download attached video. I'm primarily looking for suggestions as to how to cool down my closet a little bit. Any tips on what I can change, move around etc. while preferably being as inexpensive as possible (i.e. I'm not making money off of this, so I need to cut corners when possible). Of course, I am willing to spend whatever is necessary, but I'm hoping that those of you with more experience might know some good DIYs or little changes I can make before I go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a portable A/C.

Also, if you have any other tips on anything else abut my setup, please feel free to share. But my main concern is the temperature.




Active Member
Ok, I can't find any way of uploading this without it going under a personal account of mine, and it's too large to upload here. So...

Closet is large (basically 3 closets in 1). There's a 400w MH and a 250w MH. There are 2 exhaust fans (same as in a bathroom). The temp averages 86f at the highest and 82f at the lowest. I have 2 oscillating fans to pull in cool air from my room and cool/circulate the air. I'm especially having a problem with the veg room since it gets closed off for several hours a day with no access to cooler, fresh air. During the time it's closed off, the temp rises to about 91f. It doesn't affect the more mature plants as much, but my clones look badly affected (though not even close to dying). Still, I would like to fix the problem as best as possible.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I can't find any way of uploading this without it going under a personal account of mine, and it's too large to upload here. So...

Closet is large (basically 3 closets in 1). There's a 400w MH and a 250w MH. There are 2 exhaust fans (same as in a bathroom). The temp averages 86f at the highest and 82f at the lowest. I have 2 oscillating fans to pull in cool air from my room and cool/circulate the air. I'm especially having a problem with the veg room since it gets closed off for several hours a day with no access to cooler, fresh air. During the time it's closed off, the temp rises to about 91f. It doesn't affect the more mature plants as much, but my clones look badly affected (though not even close to dying). Still, I would like to fix the problem as best as possible.

Helloo Merry Christmas i would love 2 help u out, are the two lights in any type of reflectors? if yes do they have circular vents in the reflectors?


Active Member
Helloo Merry Christmas i would love 2 help u out, are the two lights in any type of reflectors? if yes do they have circular vents in the reflectors?
Merry Xmas to you too! 8)

The 400w MH has a reflector (no fans) but I don't think it's possible because the reflector I have looks like this. I can switch the reflector though, this one I got for free.

The 250w MH has no reflector. I wish the video would work because it shows the setup. But I can take pix tomorrow when the lights come back on (I would've done it today but I was in a hurry to get to mom's house for Xmas).

My ex-boyfriend is the one who hooked up the fans I have. And if you ask me, they don't do shit. But, since he's the electrician and I'm not, I figured that he would know better so I let him install them and since I have no idea about wiring anything I can't really switch it. As I mentioned in my video, I still talk to him (I always keep on good terms with ex's), so I can have him switch out whatever. But I'm gonna get myself a Electric Wiring For Dummies book for Xmas. I'm an excellent handywoman, so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do basic electrical stuff.

this is what i made to cool my 400hps and 600hps in the same closet 4.5feetx5.5feetx9feet closet... it works perfect and only cost me 40$ for the blower.

click link

So I take it the first post in the thread is yours? About how much of a temperature difference can I expect? My ex is already coming by Sunday to help me with some things, so if you think this will help dramatically, I'll run out and buy this stuff tomorrow!

Thanks again for your help :joint:


Well-Known Member
if ur going to do any wiring for the love of god shut off the power in ur house especially if ur looking to a book for advice. As far as lowering temps im not really sure what else u could do, More fans usually equals cooler grow room, Can u raise the lights? If so they would keep the plants a little cooler. Ur temps dont seem to be that bad in my opinon. People can Disagree all they want but ive sucessfully grow white widows in 98-101 degree heat, very good bud. Temps are correct now and bud is better, but if u cant correct it its not that bad to live with. Also a cheap way would be to freeze a block of ice in ur freezer and put it inside ur room in a container of some sort, lowers ambient temps around ice creating a slight change in overall room temp


Active Member
if ur going to do any wiring for the love of god shut off the power in ur house especially if ur looking to a book for advice. As far as lowering temps im not really sure what else u could do, More fans usually equals cooler grow room, Can u raise the lights? If so they would keep the plants a little cooler. Ur temps dont seem to be that bad in my opinon. People can Disagree all they want but ive sucessfully grow white widows in 98-101 degree heat, very good bud. Temps are correct now and bud is better, but if u cant correct it its not that bad to live with. Also a cheap way would be to freeze a block of ice in ur freezer and put it inside ur room in a container of some sort, lowers ambient temps around ice creating a slight change in overall room temp

Oh God, yes! Believe me, I have a terrible fear of electricity. I'd probably shut off all the power to my house just to be safe. :lol: The setup is all complete, I'd probably just end up rewiring whatever new thing enters the closet with old stuff, so I'd just be swapping out the +, -, and grounds.

I've added as many fans as I can fit in there (2 oscillators and 2 exhaust). I suppose the main problem is that I'm venting into my bedroom. I live in an apartment building, so venting outside is out of the question. My bedroom, even before the grow closet, has always run a bit hotter than the rest of the house because I have sliding glass doors that face the sun all day. I tried covering them with black visqueen (in addition to the verticals that are already there) to block out the sun from heating my room, but it made, literally, no difference in the temp.

I know the current temps don't sound too bad, but during summer, it was averaging 95f in there during the day. Now that it's "winter" it's cooled down a little. Since my closet is right on the other side of the angled roof, the temp inside the closet seems to stay consistent with the temp outside. Let's just say, my "winter" is usually in the mid-80s. We're lucky if it gets lower than 75 for more than 2 weeks. During summer it can get as hot as 110f here. I lost a whole crop last summer, minus one very strong mama who seemed to have permanent damage from the heat.

So, yeah, everything's OK for now, but come summer, I'm thinking I can expect more marijuana homicide. Right now, I have White Satins, which I've read can take the heat very well. But I've recently been given some White Russian seeds and have some Jedi on the way, and I don't know how well those will fare.

About raising the lights; I did have the lights farther from the plants, but I was getting some bad stretching. So I've just adjusted so the plants which are now about 8-10" from the lights. The heat damage to the clones happened when they were still a good 24" from the light (and they're under the 250w)

So, what size block of ice are we talking about? :)

ETA: Without actually measuring right now, I can tell you the closet in question is about 9'L x 4'W x 7'H (Ahhh, I love the closet space here!) And I will definitely take some pix when the lights come back on to help illustrate the situation.


Well-Known Member
Merry Xmas to you too! 8)

The 400w MH has a reflector (no fans) but I don't think it's possible because the reflector I have looks like this. I can switch the reflector though, this one I got for free.

The 250w MH has no reflector. I wish the video would work because it shows the setup. But I can take pix tomorrow when the lights come back on (I would've done it today but I was in a hurry to get to mom's house for Xmas).

My ex-boyfriend is the one who hooked up the fans I have. And if you ask me, they don't do shit. But, since he's the electrician and I'm not, I figured that he would know better so I let him install them and since I have no idea about wiring anything I can't really switch it. As I mentioned in my video, I still talk to him (I always keep on good terms with ex's), so I can have him switch out whatever. But I'm gonna get myself a Electric Wiring For Dummies book for Xmas. I'm an excellent handywoman, so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to do basic electrical stuff.

So I take it the first post in the thread is yours? About how much of a temperature difference can I expect? My ex is already coming by Sunday to help me with some things, so if you think this will help dramatically, I'll run out and buy this stuff tomorrow!

Thanks again for your help :joint:
yeah with that reflector you cant have duct exhausting air from the light... with the stanley blower i get about a 10degree difference from outside keeps temps perfect from 70-76 with both lights on. and during hot summer 75-81. what is above your closet? where r the bath room fans exhausting to? and how much u willing to spend to maintain perfect temps?


Active Member
yeah with that reflector you cant have duct exhausting air from the light... with the stanley blower i get about a 10degree difference from outside keeps temps perfect from 70-76 with both lights on. and during hot summer 75-81. what is above your closet? where r the bath room fans exhausting to? and how much u willing to spend to maintain perfect temps?
Well, technically, I'll spend whatever is necessary. I don't mind spending the money to get it right, I just don't want to spend more than I have to and I want to get an idea of more efficient methods that I just don't know about.

Above my closet is the roof. I don't have an attic or crawlspace, just roof. I actually have no idea where my bathrooms vent to. I think outside because sometimes I'll smoke in there so I don't stink up the house. The smell doesn't get circulated, so I can only assume it just goes outside. I really can't run anything outside my bedroom though because my son's dad comes to visit him and he'll go upstairs to play with him. So I keep everything located in my room only. All sound, heat, smell and light in contained to my room as well.

Also, I took some measurements this morning. The exact dimensions of my closet are 11Lx3Wx8H

And I'm attaching some pix, though I don't know how much they'll actually help. o_O

Pic #1:400w MH
Pic #2: Setup of stationery 250w MH (I know this looks horribly rigger, I blame my ex haha)
Pic #3: This is one of two exhaust fans (they're the same though)
Pic #4: Trying to show how big the closet is, but I'm standing in the other 1/3 of it.

anyway, hopefully that's helpful :?



Well-Known Member
i think u should revise whole setup, and purchase two cooltubes w/ the 6inch holes, they r on sale at for 60$ then purchase some ducting and stanley blower for 40$ and connect two cooltubes with duct and the stanley can have a long duct to exhaust the air out of the closet and since u cannot exhaust anywhere outside or in attic, u can have long enough duct that will go to another room or somewhere in house and at the end of that u can make ur own carbon filter.. here is link on how to do that

or if u dont want to spend 120 on cooltube reflectors for both lights, u can make the stanley and just have one duct sucking the air out of the closet and the other duct connected to it will exhuast it somewhere in house connected to carbon filter... that will only cost u about

$40 for stanley w/o shipping
$15 ducting from lowes
$10 for 6in to 4inch register duct to connect to duct
$4.50 for gorilla glue

i just dont know how much temp change it will be bc the stanley usually sucks air heat straight from hood.. but i believe if it is just used to exhaust room it should lower temps several degrees

Is this going to be longterm project? or just several months?? that will help judge in whether or not to spend more money


Well-Known Member
oops missed that u mentioned u cannot have anything going out.... ill think of something

they have air cooled hoods with built in fans in the reflectors maybe if u get one of those for 400hps. that will cool the light, but u still need to exhaust air somewhere through carbon filter


Active Member
oops missed that u mentioned u cannot have anything going out.... ill think of something

they have air cooled hoods with built in fans in the reflectors maybe if u get one of those for 400hps. that will cool the light, but u still need to exhaust air somewhere through carbon filter
Yeah I think the where-should-the-air-go is the main problem. My apartment is a townhouse, so I only have 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 bathroom. Downstairs is just like one big room. There aren't any walls separating anything (except the bathroom of course). So basically, my options are vent into my son's room or vent into the whole house o_O

My bedroom is pretty large, do you think I could just vent to the other side of it? I do keep my bedroom door and closet door open when I'm not expecting anyone so that the same stale air isn't circulating in there.

Or maybe a way to line the duct with something to cool the air as it travels away from the closet?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think the where-should-the-air-go is the main problem. My apartment is a townhouse, so I only have 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 bathroom. Downstairs is just like one big room. There aren't any walls separating anything (except the bathroom of course). So basically, my options are vent into my son's room or vent into the whole house o_O

My bedroom is pretty large, do you think I could just vent to the other side of it? I do keep my bedroom door and closet door open when I'm not expecting anyone so that the same stale air isn't circulating in there.

Or maybe a way to line the duct with something to cool the air as it travels away from the closet?
you may, the heat will make ur room warm, and u need fresh air too.


Active Member

Well, now I have a couple more problems. I think the cool tubes won't fit the 400w MH bulb. Also, that Stanley blower, I noticed, pulls 10amps and the breaker for my room can support only 15 amps. I probably have about 8 amps running in there now, so that thing would overload the circuit. >_< Damn it! I might just have to get a portable a/c

ETA: The portable a/c I was looking at only pulls 4 amps


Well-Known Member

Well, now I have a couple more problems. I think the cool tubes won't fit the 400w MH bulb. Also, that Stanley blower, I noticed, pulls 10amps and the breaker for my room can support only 15 amps. I probably have about 8 amps running in there now, so that thing would overload the circuit. >_< Damn it! I might just have to get a portable a/c

ETA: The portable a/c I was looking at only pulls 4 amps
oh no, it only uses like 1amp or so, it just has a built in 10amp circuit that u can use too. it will hold i have 15amp circuit and have 400watt and 600watt and the stanley.. what kind of bulb do u have? it should fit.. i really think u should invest in a tent if this a long term project... bc it will fit in ur huge ass closet and u will be able to air it out easier..


Well-Known Member
Please download attached video. I'm primarily looking for suggestions as to how to cool down my closet a little bit. Any tips on what I can change, move around etc. while preferably being as inexpensive as possible (i.e. I'm not making money off of this, so I need to cut corners when possible). Of course, I am willing to spend whatever is necessary, but I'm hoping that those of you with more experience might know some good DIYs or little changes I can make before I go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a portable A/C.

Also, if you have any other tips on anything else abut my setup, please feel free to share. But my main concern is the temperature.

a swamp cooler would work good..maybe adding a couple of cheap humidifiers might work thats if ur humidity isnt that high right might add moisture to the air and bring the temp down a little bit