need help diagnosing


Active Member
i still have trouble diagnosing.. half the deficiencies look the same to me.. ive been growing in ffof with 25% perlite. ive started using ff big bloom about 2 weeks ago. i havent phed my soil but my water is aroung 6.5. this is all outdoors and have started to show pistils about a week ago.. this is only on my new foilage... any help would be great



Active Member
Are you spraying it with the direct sunlight on it? I think that's what it is. but i'm a noob. not sure.

Could be M deficient?


Active Member
no foilar spray at all. is was thinking m deficient myself but ive never dealt with it first hand. figured id check other opinions before doing anything, cause ive never really successfully diagnosed and fixed a problems at all yet


Active Member
yeah chronik.. ive looked at charts before and i dont see one that looks like pics. that chart also doesnt even mention anything about which leaves it appears in which does help figure out which elements are missing.. id really like to try and nip this in the bud before it can become more of an issue and have dramatic effects

any help? please . i find that making a diagnosis is more of an art.. fixing it is more of a science IMHO