need help. don't know what is wrong.

I've often wondered why people are not collecting rain you really want all those additional chemicals like fluoride going through your plants?
Depending on whare you live that may not be an option.
Well yeah I mean naturally if your in the desert your not getting anything but I mean here in the U.K. You can smell the chlorine in the tap water here it's vile Smells like a swimming pool ....and I suppose In those states in the US that have made it illegal to collect rain water..
Well yeah I mean naturally if your in the desert your not getting anything but I mean here in the U.K. You can smell the chlorine in the tap water here it's vile Smells like a swimming pool ....and I suppose In those states in the US that have made it illegal to collect rain water..
Nothing wrong with chlorine... in fact tests and research suggests it's beneficial to plants at around 4ppm . Plus all the big greenhouses use chlorine as a way of sterilising there water system/res .. as it's so cheap and has no ill effects on plants or final product. Have a little search "bleach in dwc"
Well yeah I mean naturally if your in the desert your not getting anything but I mean here in the U.K. You can smell the chlorine in the tap water here it's vile Smells like a swimming pool ....and I suppose In those states in the US that have made it illegal to collect rain water..
Also nothing wrong with swimming pools lol perfectly clean and safe for human consumption. No nasties in there other than piss lol
Nothing wrong with chlorine... in fact tests and research suggests it's beneficial to plants at around 4ppm . Plus all the big greenhouses use chlorine as a way of sterilising there water system/res .. as it's so cheap and has no ill effects on plants or final product. Have a little search "bleach in dwc"
I didn't know that cheers dude! Have to say I've learnt more since joining this site talking to people for a few days than just searching the internet for ages
Also nothing wrong with swimming pools lol perfectly clean and safe for human consumption. No nasties in there other than piss lol
That's my point when you can smell the chlorine at pools it's because it has chronic amounts of piss in it And then you see people squirting it out o their you nasty motherfuckers
Seems I'm too baked to think logically
As for city tap water its more than chlorine you need to worry abought. Chlorine chloride florine floride iron lead copper even arsnic. The reason chlorine is added it to kill bacteria. If all you have in your city water is chlorine and your in hydro your good organic soil needs that bacteria. Even if they take out the 4ppm of chlorine there is still 320ppm of crap. This varies from city to city but here in lancaster the ppm ranges from 280 to 350 ppm
That's my point when you can smell the chlorine at pools it's because it has chronic amounts of piss in it And then you see people squirting it out o their you nasty motherfuckers
Pools are 10s of thousands of gallons mate and run huge filters and residual amounts of calcium hypochlorite.there's hardly any piss in a swimming pool really but you're not watering your plants with swimmingpool water are you lol so all that's irrelevant. there's no piss in your tap water and chlorine ain't gonna do shit to you're plant at the levels used in drinking water. I run an rdwc system and fill straight from the tap also add cal-hypo at 4ppm.
That's my point when you can smell the chlorine at pools it's because it has chronic amounts of piss in it And then you see people squirting it out o their you nasty motherfuckers
Hear what you're saying about squirting it out you're mouth though fuck that lol I fucking hate swimming pools anyway I'm shit at swimming.
I like strips more than meter... thers some nice dual color onesvyou can find on amazon they are for health freaks that ph their spit n piss and the dual color gives more incrimental readings than the basic strips. Nice thing is u dont have to worry about calibration and such...
look overwatered and deficient which may be caused by overwatering. Dont remove deficient leaves untill problem is sorted.
1. Pulling leaves lesens resperation which will make it take longer to dry out.
2. The plant is useing the affected leaves like "nute batteries" pulling from them to fuel new growth. If you remove them before problem is fixed it will just start pulling from different leaves
I wish I saw your second point 3 days ago :); thanks for the info
Never mind advanced dosnt suggest that......if your water source is that far off 7 you need another water source. Besides advanced also suggests useing ro or distilled. Keep in mind if useing any product on earth differently than the manufacturer suggest you will get different results
Actually i was wrong. Been doing more research ph perfect works with water from ph4.2 to ph 8.5. Still if my water was ph 4 i would still change sources
I like strips more than meter... thers some nice dual color onesvyou can find on amazon they are for health freaks that ph their spit n piss and the dual color gives more incrimental readings than the basic strips. Nice thing is u dont have to worry about calibration and such...
I just got one of those electric ph readers for about £15 bargain
Guys I'm pretty sure it's just nute burn but any help advice what kind it's most likely to be? :/ started on tip few days ago now spreading, she needed feeding so I diluted the nute mix to 1/3 what I usually would?? IMG_4215.JPG
Other than that and the red stems on the leaves which again any advice? she seem to be doing well have her bent right over IMG_4204.JPGIMG_4205.JPG
I used miracle grow for a little while and had some similar problems, but when my plants were young. My local hydro store guy said that miracle grow potting soil was bad for the plants. I picked up some sunshine #4 and switched them over. Within a few days I was seeing improvements. Surely it isn't the root of your issue, but hope it helps.