Need Help Fast Please!


Active Member
Assuming I have 500sq feet of space to grow in, indoors of course. What methods would produce the most Dried Marijuana. (Lights, soil or not, ect, ect)


Well-Known Member
Writing a book on rags to riches from marijuana cultivation and I was wondering....

Assuming I have 500sq feet of space to grow in, indoors of course. What methods would produce the most Dried Marijuana. (Lights, soil or not, ect, ect)

What...???your writing a book on marijuana cultivation and have no first hand experience or at least know growers you have seen grow,sounds like you want us to write the book for you...


Active Member
Lol. Its not a book that is going to be for sale, its more like a book that only exists in my reality.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Its not a book that is going to be for sale, its more like a book that only exists in my reality.
Well shayden that's not what you said in your post bud........why don't you just ask how do I grow cannabis instead of posting this confusing misleading thread..... do some research just like the rest of us and I'm not trying to be a dick but we can't do all the work for you.....this forum is filled with all the info you need start here---->>>


Well-Known Member
Dude this site is for medical one is here to arrest long as you dont post any personal info or pics with you or anything that can lead the police to you you'll be alright........I seen you edited your first click the link and read like crazy you will be growing some dank as long as your attentive and learn from your mistakes.......


Active Member
I just cant decide though.
Some people swear by coco, some people swear by hydro or aero.

Some people say use cfl in abundance, some people shove hps down your throat.

I am a Class 2 Medical Marijuana patient, and am only able to grow 5 plants indoors, but I plan on growing a bunch more, and I want to know how to get the most bang for my buck.


Well-Known Member
......if you have never grown I would start with soil....but if you are really trying to go hydroponics then start off with something simple like dwc,ebb and flow or top feed set as for lights hid lighting is the way to led can be compared to hid but only watt for watt.....a powerful led set up will be pretty expensive,more expensive than it's really up to you and how much you want to spend.....