Need help. Fe, Zn or what?


New Member
Hi guys. Sorry for my Engl. I m from Ukraine.
I wrote message to my usual *.ru forum, but havnt got any answers. That is why i desided reg. and write on this forum. Hope you would help me, because i think my plant has a big trbl.
I try to desribe the problem
1st week blooming, soil ph 6.7-7, sodium-vapor lamp (600w) (distance 30-40cm) water the plants 2 times in a week aprx., temperature 20-22C, kind of seed dont know.
leafs becoming yellow from centre and top. Also leafs curls up into a tube.
I think its lack of Fe or Zn. What do you think and what i have to do?



Well-Known Member
Picture quality is not very good but, it looks more like your giving them "too much" fertilizer. Do you fertilize them once or twice a week?


New Member
I used GHE Series (Micro, Bloom, Grow) 1 time after 2 times just water and again. calculate amount by npk calculator for blooming stage.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I used GHE Series (Micro, Bloom, Grow) 1 time after 2 times just water and again. calculate amount by npk calculator for blooming stage.
Your English is fine. If you are following an NPK calculator from a Fertilizer company you started using Bloom fertilizers to soon. Bloom fertilizers should be added slowly until the 3rd or 4th week of flowering.
How's it going man! I think your plant may have a Boron or Copper deficiency. Based off what you have said with the leaves starting to yellow from the center, traveling up the leaf and ending in the result of the leaf curling up. Try using a Blooming fertilizer like Buba Blend recommended. Also maybe until this issue clears up use half strength with your nutes, drop your ph just a tad, and water a bit more. Not enough moisture will stop the uptake of boron into the plant as well as not enough potassium and nitrogen. Boron is needed for the plant to properly utilize calcium. For the sake if it is the Copper deficiency the ph drop, along with the use of a proper fertilizer will help the plant absorb more copper. Copper intake is preferred by plants in a slightly acidic environment. Take what advice you can use man and Best of Luck.


New Member
Thank you all guys, i realy happy to get advices from my interntional colleagues or people with the same mind, dont know how to say it correct, but i think you are undestand what i mean) In my country this kind of activity is a crime and i cant freely ask questions that are interested me. Sometimes i think, how was it before internet? It was realy difficult to grow the plant)