Need help figuring this one out guys... What is it?


Active Member
its Kaya Kush vegging under CFL 18/6. only one doing it. It is in Soil (my own mix), i use a base in my dirt and add extra Maganese. I been giving it straight water for a week now cuz i don't know whats up with it. any help?



Well-Known Member
I've never used your dirt oh yeah none of us has:lol:
Try a store brand next time like ffof I don't mix
nothing with it! It's good to go for me~


Never had it in my own garden, but looks a lot like Mn toxicity from reading around. If so, you'll want to leech some out with extra water, and if your runoff PH is low maybe buffer it back up with some lime. It's hard to see the overall plant health in that 1 shot.


New Member
cal or mag def flush out your soil make sure ph is correct and dont use any nutes untill back to normal
Regardless of what appears to be popular opinion, cal mag is not the do all, end all miracle solution some think it is. Reasearch and knowledge are.
your soil was probably to hot...burned them leaves up a little. pull and plant in some coco/per lite till she recovers, then transplant her back add a buffer soil mix between roots and your mix.


New Member
your soil was probably to hot...burned them leaves up a little. pull and plant in some coco/per lite till she recovers, then transplant her back add a buffer soil mix between roots and your mix.
Sorry to disagree here but how does that coincide with your signature of keeping it simple? Transplanting 2 times will stress her and could spell death to her. At the most perhaps a good flushing could be of value. But moving her from medium too medium and then back again? Not a good idea my friend. Not trying to troll your post and mean no offense.
it is simple. And if you cant take such actions from fear of stress and death...then you my concerned friend need to up your skill level. To each his own, flushing would be the last thing i do at this point.


New Member
it is simple. And if you cant take such actions from fear of stress and death...then you my concerned friend need to up your skill level. To each his own, flushing would be the last thing i do at this point.
As you each their own but playing musical pots/mediums with a plant is not only the last thing I would do it is something I would never do.
call it what you like i get ya, not many dare play with roots. Guess being a landscaper and transplanting/planting more plants than you probably ever will, i learn to attend my roots as i attend everything above. i prune them, spread them, clean them,train them.... you name it. Im Earthworm Jim suckka!!! blast!*