need help finding a grow spot in florida!


hey fellow florida growers, i've been planning to move here for about a month and now that i made the move i can start growing, but IT'S LIKE JUMANJI DOWN HERE WTF!! I moved from michigan and the vegetation here is soo dense, not to mention the wildlife like spiders, snakes, gators, etc. I've been looking on google maps but when i get to the location i'm like hellll noo i need a machete. Does anyone have any tips on finding a grow spot? Is there a certain time of day where the wildlife is less aggressive or am i just making a big deal about this and it's not as bad as it looks? seriously its like jumanji here though for real!


Well-Known Member
find some crazy redneck buddies ..............tell them u are down for some bogging ride out and about to scout areas and have a good time ..........and u always have the choice of getting a air boat and looking for docks ppl just left/do not care about dragg it to a spot and use planters...........or u look for the houses that are empty u know on the market but taken off sicne not selling and use the back yard


New Member
Yo I did the same thing on an island in south Carolina and it is jumanji here too. Just wear bug spray and hack the shit with a machete. But hurry and plant

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Tigers,snakes,lions,bears oh my.... But seriously we have poisonous snakes, black bears, coyotes, panthers, rare red wolf, wild dogs, wild boar:roll:. If you seen 1001 ways to die on TV??!! ...I'm sure some of those episodes where in Florida. Sucks if you don't know what poison sumac or oak is.
But the one danger unfortunately is man. Such as snitches,rippers or the worst fish and wild life is out in the woods also. Cant blame them there are poachers out in the woods as well. Just be smart have a game plan. Got about two more months to take advantage of our weather. Well for seeds at least. I'm sure greenhouses out here do bomb.


Well-Known Member
we grew in tiger bay state park for years in the daytona beach area lots of roads and spots to put one here and there and lots of water. never had any problems at all .


Well-Known Member
i got it

old hunting shacks camps ............with the cost of ammo and the shortage going on alot of ppl are giving up hunting ......u could use a tree stand and planters......or convert one of the old working camps into your own


thank you everyone for the advice. i keep venturing out a little farther each day to get used to everything down here and i think that helps a little, but all those little lizards running around in the bushes make me think there's snakes slitherin around. Speaking of snakes are they kind of like bees where if you don't bother them they won't bother you kind of thing?? I did have a couple more questions though, what is the worst case scenario and what is the most common scenario i will deal with in terms of things in the jungle i don't want to mess with haha.

I'm also thinking about growing in a state park, but i'm a little hesitant... i guess that will be my last resort.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Try not to step unto leaf piles. Watch where you step. Learn what snakes are poisonous and vice versa. I remember a grow I did seeds. I went at night and got the bejesus shitted out of me. Night can play tricks on you. :fire:

I remember a palmetto bush rattled hard. Scared me into religion right quick.:o I realized it was a coon or possum. Bring a trust worthy buddy or have balls of steel. Having a machete will make you feel a lil more comfortable. Go out when the moon gives you visibility full moon is best.

Don't worry about ghost, ghouls or spirits:fire: you will be OK... No joke woods are spooky at night.
Tigers,snakes,lions,bears oh my.... But seriously we have poisonous snakes, black bears, coyotes, panthers, rare red wolf, wild dogs, wild boar:roll:.
Well fortunately you can cross panther off the list, as there has never been a recorded attack on a human. :mrgreen: Not to mention that with an estimated 100 left you're chances of seeing one in the wild is extremely slim at best.

In my opinion you need to worry most about hog, stepping on a snake you didn't see and people. Most importantly, try to keep whatever spot you end up choosing looking as wild as possible. Things like using the same route to/from your spot and using a machete to bush whack will both leave a clear and obvious path to follow for anyone looking. Good luck with your grow and welcome to Florida!


New Member
hey fellow florida growers, i've been planning to move here for about a month and now that i made the move i can start growing, but IT'S LIKE JUMANJI DOWN HERE WTF!! I moved from michigan and the vegetation here is soo dense, not to mention the wildlife like spiders, snakes, gators, etc. I've been looking on google maps but when i get to the location i'm like hellll noo i need a machete. Does anyone have any tips on finding a grow spot? Is there a certain time of day where the wildlife is less aggressive or am i just making a big deal about this and it's not as bad as it looks? seriously its like jumanji here though for real!
Fellow Florida grower here! It's not too bad man, it's actually quite good to have that kind of vegetation for growing. Find a little dense area of woods, set up fishing on some trees close to the ground, work your way into and find a sunny little spot. I found one out in the woods behind my place and it's been good, and most animals usually won't bother going into such dense woods to eat your plant. :leaf:

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Well fortunately you can cross panther off the list, as there has never been a recorded attack on a human. :mrgreen: Not to mention that with an estimated 100 left you're chances of seeing one in the wild is extremely slim at best.

In my opinion you need to worry most about hog, stepping on a snake you didn't see and people. Most importantly, try to keep whatever spot you end up choosing looking as wild as possible. Things like using the same route to/from your spot and using a machete to bush whack will both leave a clear and obvious path to follow for anyone looking. Good luck with your grow and welcome to Florida!
Its not just the Florida panther their are black panthers, jaguars and other exotic cats loose out here. Irresponsible pet owners release em here. My cousin has a farm caught on film what was eating his chickens. Two black panthers :shock:But Yer right usually its rare for most to run into wildlife here. Because humans are to loud in the woods. Except me:twisted:


I've been slacking on finding a spot because i've been busy working to fund my grow. well i went out to look through some woods near my house. I brought a stick so could probe around in front of me, i was doing good for about 10 mins until i started feeling a pinching sensation on my ankles. I look down and my jeans are covered in ants. I bolted out of there as fast as i could. I guess thats what makes guerrilla growing such a bitch sometimes. I don't think they were fire ants or anything, but damn my legs are tore up with all these bites. I do have some other spots to check out though, so i'll be back out soon.