Need help first grow pics!

go go kid

Well-Known Member
ive just baught 2 mars hydro ts600's for 114 quid and as they use the same amount of electricity, the mars hydro wins hands down. i was very disapointed, should have guessed it realy. think ill use them for sprouts and the mars for some early growth and then my 400w metal halide
First off i didn't buy this seed... Found it in a bag of glookies... I plan on growing out doors but just wanted a cheap way to grow a lil plant for some practice and that's not the only light there is 3 more in the room... Thats not a bad price either but trying to grow to save money lol thank u tho i will look at different options

go go kid

Well-Known Member
it says suplimental lighting, thats ok for adding light to a grow with lights allready but not so good for a stand alone light for growing


Well-Known Member
Looks like you still have some white hairs well a lot of white hairs and it is hard to tell in most of your pictures O yeah looking great to good job time wise I'm going to say that you got 3 weeks left