Need Help!!! First hydroponic grow

Afghan Goo

Hello ya'll, this is going to be the first time growing hydroponically. I have just had my first successful grow in soil and would like to get into hydro. I am already running into some problems. I germinated my two seedling and put them into starter cubes and water them with PH'd water every other day and keep them under a humidity dome. Its been about a week since they have been in the cubes and have seemed to have stopped growing. One of the two seedling is starting to turn yellow and the to inner leaves have turned black. What is going on?! should I begin adding some seedling nutrients I have? please help, I have already lost four other seedling previously in rockwool and dont want to lose these ones. Pictures can be viewed below.




Well-Known Member
Your suffocating and drowning them, and they no longer need the humidity dome. Let them breath fresh air and you cannot have the rock wool soaked.

Do not feed them nutrients yet as they have no roots for uptake! let the cubes dry out a little (not stiff) and then water, once the cube gets midway dry water again. Yous should keep the ribs in the tray filled wuth water the rock wool will pull the water when it needs some.


Afghan Goo

Your suffocating and drowning them, and they no longer need the humidity dome. Let them breath fresh air and you cannot have the rock wool soaked.

Do not feed them nutrients yet as they have no roots for uptake! let the cubes dry out a little (not stiff) and then water, once the cube gets midway dry water again. Yous should keep the ribs in the tray filled wuth water the rock wool will pull the water when it needs some.

Alright, ill ditch the dome. Is there anything I can do to help out the one that is yellowing and limping over?


Active Member
Your suffocating and drowning them, and they no longer need the humidity dome. Let them breath fresh air and you cannot have the rock wool soaked.

Do not feed them nutrients yet as they have no roots for uptake! let the cubes dry out a little (not stiff) and then water, once the cube gets midway dry water again. Yous should keep the ribs in the tray filled wuth water the rock wool will pull the water when it needs some.

Good advice right there!


Active Member
Black usually means mold or fungus has taken hold. At this early stage it's likely it will die. The real danger is how it can spread. If you cannot separate them or get that one to recover quickly you may lose both.

I removed my humidity domes (re: saran wrap) as soon as the seeds emerged from the rockwool and had tiny green leaves.