Need help, First time growing in coco plants are sad (photos included)


Active Member
Been growing since i was 18 (6 years) , started with outdoors in soil and moved indoors hydroponics but this year i decided to do something different and try coco so i can easily clone and have both outdoor and indoor. My fan broke so i left the little plants without a fan for a week and put them outside which resulted in a fungus gnat infestation that spread from my onions . cleared those assholes with hydrogen peroxide and not watering my plants for as long as i could keep them, got a new fan took a week+ and now no more fungus gnats ! but the plants look sick , only 2 are fine for some reason.

I am wondering are these signs of deficiency, over nutes or the fungus gnats caused this .. so confusing. never had an issue like this with soil i might have taken up more than i can chew here with this coco stuff!

plants are from different strains , the one that seems fine is a strain i made last year which is amnesia haze crossed with red lebanese. not sure if its coco peat or coco coir the guy said this is coco :p any help would be appreciated


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Active Member
Coco peat and coco coir are the same things bro lol.

maybe this will help iv'e never grown in just coco -

Keep in mind you have to change your nutrients ( or ratios to gallons ) to something that's good for coco, goodluck man.
ah ok haha :D well i had no idea because sometimes i'd see people talking saying coco peat and some coco coir ! thanks for the link but do you have any idea what could it be causing my plants to be like that ? over nutrient / under nutrient / consequence of the infestation i had ?


Well-Known Member
Been growing since i was 18 (6 years) , started with outdoors in soil and moved indoors hydroponics but this year i decided to do something different and try coco so i can easily clone and have both outdoor and indoor. My fan broke so i left the little plants without a fan for a week and put them outside which resulted in a fungus gnat infestation that spread from my onions . cleared those assholes with hydrogen peroxide and not watering my plants for as long as i could keep them, got a new fan took a week+ and now no more fungus gnats ! but the plants look sick , only 2 are fine for some reason.

I am wondering are these signs of deficiency, over nutes or the fungus gnats caused this .. so confusing. never had an issue like this with soil i might have taken up more than i can chew here with this coco stuff!

plants are from different strains , the one that seems fine is a strain i made last year which is amnesia haze crossed with red lebanese. not sure if its coco peat or coco coir the guy said this is coco :p any help would be appreciated
Some look like cal mag defiency
The second one looks like spider mites lol


Well-Known Member
One of my plants r suffering from mag defiency Iam about goto shop and get epsons salts for a good foliage feed

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
ah ok haha :D well i had no idea because sometimes i'd see people talking saying coco peat and some coco coir ! thanks for the link but do you have any idea what could it be causing my plants to be like that ? over nutrient / under nutrient / consequence of the infestation i had ?
It's weird because coco works a little different than regular soil, you have to be careful with your pH and the nutrient line that you're using. It might also be that your plants are just getting used to the coco? I honestly don't know man, and i wish i could help but i've never grown in just coco before. But i do promise you this, i WILL start a coco grow soon just to try it out and experiement with it. Goodluck man!

( some nutes have a logo that say "coco coir friendly or coco coir safe" on them - those are the best nutes you should be using. )


Active Member
It's weird because coco works a little different than regular soil, you have to be careful with your pH and the nutrient line that you're using. It might also be that your plants are just getting used to the coco? I honestly don't know man, and i wish i could help but i've never grown in just coco before. But i do promise you this, i WILL start a coco grow soon just to try it out and experiement with it. Goodluck man!

( some nutes have a logo that say "coco coir friendly or coco coir safe" on them - those are the best nutes you should be using. )

Thanks anyways man i guess i should just transplant them to soil soon cz where im from i dont think theres such things as coco friendly nutes lol :p , most people here never even heard of coco coir including me until the guy at the agriculture shop told me about it ! thought it would be a good substitute for soil because it aerates the roots but i can always use h2o2 for that !


Active Member
One of my plants r suffering from mag defiency Iam about goto shop and get epsons salts for a good foliage feed

yeah i thought id do a foliar feed tomorow and see what happens maybe the roots have been damaged by the fungus gnat infestation and they haven't been able to get their nutrients as much as they should will have to wait and see


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought id do a foliar feed tomorow and see what happens maybe the roots have been damaged by the fungus gnat infestation and they haven't been able to get their nutrients as much as they should will have to wait and see
I hate gnats last 2 grow I went a soil and perlite mix and the fakers annoyed me whole grow

I used yellow paper smothered in vasoline and layer the paper flat on top of the soil in to pots fcking smashed em that and a good dry out will destroy em


Well-Known Member
Not near enough info to be able to help you. What nutes' ,pH, EC or TDS. Using any cal-mag ?


Well-Known Member
In coco ya gotta feed them all the time, start low and bring it up. If you peroxided the roots id figure that youd want to run some type of bennies back into them to get the root zone active again. Mycos, great white, or maybe even rizotonic from canna. That rizotonic is great stuff.


Active Member
I hate gnats last 2 grow I went a soil and perlite mix and the fakers annoyed me whole grow

I used yellow paper smothered in vasoline and layer the paper flat on top of the soil in to pots fcking smashed em that and a good dry out will destroy em
I did that too with vaseline hehe :) pretty much took a week and they were all gone the bastards


Active Member
In coco ya gotta feed them all the time, start low and bring it up. If you peroxided the roots id figure that youd want to run some type of bennies back into them to get the root zone active again. Mycos, great white, or maybe even rizotonic from canna. That rizotonic is great stuff.
Feed them every time i water? but i will have to flush every now and then too right? btw where i'm from we dont have hydro shops or any kinds of nutes specially for ganja i usually use what's available for tomatoes


Active Member
Not near enough info to be able to help you. What nutes' ,pH, EC or TDS. Using any cal-mag ?
my nutritien bottle says feed every 8 days in vegetation its a nutrient i got recently made for green plants, ive fed them more than that considering that i heard i should feed more with coco peat but maybe i shouldn't have the thing is some of them look okay and are doing good so not sure since they are from different strains maybe i shouldn't feed them all at the same dosage?

btw its in french but should be close enough to understand in english :p NPK etc as of PH i have no clue i will ask around if they have PH testers around .. what kind should i look for ? also pharmacies should have them? (im in 3rd world country as some people call it lol)

6% azote total (N) ,4% anhydride phosphorique (P2O5) , 5% oxyde de potassium (K2O) , 0.01% Bore (B) , 0.002% Cuivre (Cu) , 0.02% Fer (Fe) , 0.01% Magnese (Mn) , 0.002% Zinc (Zn)


Well-Known Member
Feed them every time i water? but i will have to flush every now and then too right? btw where i'm from we dont have hydro shops or any kinds of nutes specially for ganja i usually use what's available for tomatoes
Ha! You should have gone with soil then! You need nutrients thatare synthetic and you need to measure the ppms so your not killing them by over or under feeding. Usually youll need a consistant ppm of food in the water to keep them healthy, along with calmag at about 100ish ppm. Calmag is pretty key so amazon may be a good choice to find some. You also have to flush water through the plant at almost every feed or watering to wash the medium of built up salts. 15-20% runoff is what i do when i leach. I just run water w calmag every now and then, its mostly feeding so dont go 1000ppm all the time. Shoot for 600s in large veg and see if you need more or less by looking at the plant. Obviously start them low like 250-3 and bring it up as they grow. They dont look that bad, whats your n-p-k on the tomato food and what ppm are you running right now? Ph is also important in soiless to a higher degree than soil.


Well-Known Member
my nutritien bottle says feed every 8 days in vegetation its a nutrient i got recently made for green plants, ive fed them more than that considering that i heard i should feed more with coco peat but maybe i shouldn't have the thing is some of them look okay and are doing good so not sure since they are from different strains maybe i shouldn't feed them all at the same dosage?

btw its in french but should be close enough to understand in english :p NPK etc as of PH i have no clue i will ask around if they have PH testers around .. what kind should i look for ? also pharmacies should have them? (im in 3rd world country as some people call it lol)

6% azote total (N) ,4% anhydride phosphorique (P2O5) , 5% oxyde de potassium (K2O) , 0.01% Bore (B) , 0.002% Cuivre (Cu) , 0.02% Fer (Fe) , 0.01% Magnese (Mn) , 0.002% Zinc (Zn)
I use Dutch masters gold range all my water has nuts in it I do flush 2 times during flower and let plants dry out then back on nuts


Active Member
Ha! You should have gone with soil then! You need nutrients thatare synthetic and you need to measure the ppms so your not killing them by over or under feeding. Usually youll need a consistant ppm of food in the water to keep them healthy, along with calmag at about 100ish ppm. Calmag is pretty key so amazon may be a good choice to find some. You also have to flush water through the plant at almost every feed or watering to wash the medium of built up salts. 15-20% runoff is what i do when i leach. I just run water w calmag every now and then, its mostly feeding so dont go 1000ppm all the time. Shoot for 600s in large veg and see if you need more or less by looking at the plant. Obviously start them low like 250-3 and bring it up as they grow. They dont look that bad, whats your n-p-k on the tomato food and what ppm are you running right now? Ph is also important in soiless to a higher degree than soil.
6% (N) , 4% (P) , 5% (K) , i do 5ml for each L of water


Well-Known Member
6% (N) , 4% (P) , 5% (K) , i do 5ml for each L of water
Sounds a little strong but i wouldnt change anything. Id wait it out and read the plant to see if its too much or too little. See about calmag forsure though and a ppm meter.