need help first timer is this normal


Active Member
i planted 4 seeds i found and just went to a 400w mh 18 on 6 off cycle my plants have the 2 white hairs but half way down the plant there is no growth at all just like a bubble looking thing where the nodes meet the stalk. what does this mean or am i just being a paranoid pothead? help please....:wall:


Active Member
i dont know how to do it i get some pics . well i started off low budget 50 plants vegged to 6 inches under about 10 32w ballasts t8 then moved all but the nugs outside n put 100w hps and a 100w mh and ran a 24 cycle til last week i started 18 on 6 off when i put them in 5 gal buckets and added a 400w mh . when i move to 1212 i will switch to a 400w hp.


Active Member
like i said they all have the hairs from half way up to the top but at the bottoms they all look like that either a bubble or no growth could the ones with no growth be females since i havent changed lights yet to bud and the ones with the bubbles be hermies?


Active Member
You never know if they all have hairs then they may all be female. No worries buddy. Hope for the best. Those buubles could just be wierd growths, who knows.


Active Member
another thing is i grow in like apromix or soil type in 5 gal buckets my ph is way high can i use any ph down as long as i ph the water i am using to water them to bring the soil down?


Active Member
my ph is at just about 7.5 but if the bulges dontdetermine sex the what are the odds of 4 bag seeds turning out to be all female i didnt think that i wouls get all 4 i thought 1 maybe 2


Well-Known Member
I believe the buldges are a normal growth on some plants. Mine has done that too, and after a while, it hardened and just became part of the growth of the plant. Maybe it's just making the plants joints stronger... I don't know what it is, but I doubt that it's a male part just waiting to explode out of that "bubble".

You need to fix your pH balance ASAP!


Active Member
well i wasnt real prepared to do this i was smoken sum northern lights and my buddy says man i cant believe weed is 500 an oz you should just grow your own so i just threw a cheap setup together and figured that i will learn as it grows but its a little more than that i see now so do you have advice on proper ways to lower my ph safely but quickly


Well-Known Member
well i wasnt real prepared to do this i was smoken sum northern lights and my buddy says man i cant believe weed is 500 an oz you should just grow your own so i just threw a cheap setup together and figured that i will learn as it grows but its a little more than that i see now so do you have advice on proper ways to lower my ph safely but quickly
I haven't had to deal with the pH in my soil yet, so I am not the best person to ask about how to change it. I just know you should get it right as soon as possible. You should just search on google how to lower the pH of the soil for a marijuana plant. There are a few different ways to do it, but the way YOU do it should be decided on other factors of YOUR setup and plant...

Growing marijuana is a lot more difficult then I first imagined as well. I fell into it the same way you did, by just starting with a seed and a pot and then I just researched my ass off until I got my setup just the way I wanted it. I still don't know half of everything, but I know a SHIT LOAD more than I did a few months ago. Good luck!


Active Member
i got it how i want it now its just waitn these out like i said its just bag seed just expected to learn a few things i have sum pricey feminised cali orange seeds from a seedbank but wasnt gonna learn on seeds that cost almost $25 a seed. is your favored way soil grow? im thinkin on tryn either a passive or drip system next time but i am considering the switch to a hydro setup. mainly for potency reasons


Well-Known Member
I know that your question wasn't directed towards me but if you don't mind I'd like to give my opinion. I think that without knowing very much at all about growing, you should stick with soil for at least a couple of grows. Hydroponics are a lot easier to mess up with. When you mess up on hydro it shows pretty much immediately which means that you have to react fast. With soil it's a much more gradual process. If you mess up, it shows slowly so you have more time to fix the problem. That's just my opinion.


Active Member
my question wasnt really meant to only be answered by one person thats why im here but that is totally what i should do i respect your opinion and thank you for your input but i am very interested in going "dro"


Well-Known Member
I think that if you are a quick learner and can pay close attention to what's going on you could do it. I would just do as much research as I could if I was you. There is plenty of it here.