Need help from experienced LED growers!!!


Active Member
Hello friends, I am in the process purchasing a 2012 Lighthouse Hydro 240W LED light brand new for 250$. The weather is very hot nearly year round so HID's are out of the question, this is why I am looking to test the capabilities of LED lighting. Is this a reasonable price, did i make a good buy, or should i send it straight back when i get it??? Ive done some homework on LEDs but never owned one so I am hoping anyone with experience with this model or any similar model have any input they would like to school me on. My Goal is to run a small tent with this model LED and achieve results comparable to a 250 watt HPS. Again, any advice is welcomed and would be greatly appreciated. Ive had success with my HIDs but would love to learn anything i can about LED's as they are my only option because of the heat (other than CFL's).
Setup includes
Secret Jardin Dark Room Pro DR60 II Grow Tent (Dimensions: 23.75"x23.75"x63")
Vortex 6 inch inline with carbon filter
Hempy buckets with 75% Perlite and 25% Vermiculitet
Botanicare Pro Blend Nutrients

Thanks in advance for the advice


Well-Known Member
I would try getting another light, you will be running the blakcstar 240 (130W of actual draw power) and you will be running your 6 inch inline fan ( 100W of actual draw power ) ...unless you still have the HPS? it seems like you will be spending a lot of power on ventilation and little on light... good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the reply but that wasnt really my question. The tent is in a closet in a room that runs hotter than other rooms in house (only option). I have a speed controller for the 6 inch vortex, but also have other vent options... The main problem i am facing is HEAT!!! A 250 watt hps has the tent running in the 85f range during summer when the A/C runs constantly to maintain 75f, but the tent runs at least 5 degrees with the vortex cranked up on high... way too hot. I want to be able to maintain a small grow during the summer heat. I have nothing against HPS lights and actually prefer them to anything else... they just run to hot!!! In a perfect world i dont think anyone would want LED's!!!

Now... is there anyone out there who could try to help me out with my original question? I know that the 240 blackstar doesnt actually run on 240 volts... I know how many watts my vortex runs on... What i am really trying to find out here is if the Lighthouse Hydro 240 Blackstar is a good product and a good fit for the small 2 by 2 tent. If not, are there any RIU Ninjas out there who could point me in the right direction??? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
it's a good fit for 2x2 I guess, but me and a few others have some issues with the power connector. Everytime I hit my powercord the light goes off. It's not an issue but it still sucks when brand new... for light output though it's probably my best LED.


Well-Known Member
if you can get two of them in there you'll be happier than with just one. Or if you want to spend the extra cash on a different brand I would recommend picking up something from advanced based on my own use of them.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 600W Blackstars. I like em. No heat. They draw like 340W each. One would be enough for a closet grow. (a tent in a closet...I don't get it but whatever) I think the Blackstar you bought will probably suffice. Keep it close to the canopy.


Well-Known Member
It's probably a good replacement for a 250w hps. I don't use blackstar but I own panels that draw 130w of operating power and have time and time again said those are equal to if not a bit greater than the growing horsepower achieved with a 250 hps. A lot of people on this board have used blackstars with success. My only beef is the lack of a substantial warranty. 12 months seemed low compared to other companies.

A good rule of thumb for replacing hid with led is to look to have at least 1/2 if not 2/3 the wattage you had with hid.


Well-Known Member
DAMN. 2.5 years ago I paid $360 for a 90 watt UFO. My same light today is now $250, so IMO, you are way ahead of the game.

I looked it up on line and came across a site that reviews LED lights. Pretty Cool, assuming he knows his stuff. He did downgrade the light a bit due to lack of green (~ 500 nms). Nice to see people are beginning to understand greens role as a facilitator for chlorophyll A/B.


Active Member
I sure hope it is a good deal as I'm waiting on mine to be delivered. I've been growing with cfl's so this should be a good step up...I hope. I'm in the same situation, I have a tent in a closet, and hps would be way too much heat. During the summer I have to open the tent to keep it under 85 using cfl's, (400-450 actual watts) and yes I do have an extraction fan.


Well-Known Member
yeah man I contacted them, pretty freaky huh? They can also customize if you wanna get fancy but if you read the advert its the same 7 band spectrum gotham is using on their current panels.

Tee Five

Active Member

He's my 250w Blackstar I use for Vegging (I use a 500W for Flowering)...I use a drip irrigation system for vegging and a flood bed for Flowering.

I think it does alright---the second pic is the root ball of a couple of ladies that I tossed (for room and clones).

It does great when they are clones and when vegging ( I run out of room quick from the speed of growth). The best thing is the spectrum uses only "usable" light for the plant. NO other lighting type can say that.

I strongly recommend them.



Well-Known Member
They do just fine. Really never said they don't or won't work, I've seen some great blackstar grows in this site. What I'm saying is I was surprised how easy it was to find the company that makes all the blackstars (and fero 4g leds). Also very interesting to see the mark up. Gotham has got to be making a fortune on these. Considering the 180 retails for about 225 and when I contacted Shenzhen Star Led they said they would send me 10 of the 180s for 135 a pop I can only imagine the pricing on say 1000 units.