Need help from people who grow autoflowers with miracle grow all purpose

I need to know how much to mix with water and how much do I give to my plants and when
I know this is kind of a nutrients question but tried posting there before


New Member
ALWAYS use less than the directions say. I prefer to use a 1/4 of the amount recommended for a gal container and I fertilize about every 3rd watering or so. I water when top of soil starts to dry out and then water to the point of run off, and NEVER fertilize dry soil! I fertilize up to 3 weeks from harvest and ALWAYS FLUSH PLANT IN TUB WITH CLEAN WATER UNTIL WATER RUNS CLEAR ( washing away built-up salts and fertilizers=better tasting and cleaner burning.) Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to the liquid all purpose MG? I can give you the breakdown in ml I just used on an auto in which I yielded a combined dry weight of 102g from 2 candy cane plants from crop king seeds in 68 days from germ under a 600w hps if your interested. Let me know if its the liquid your referring too and I will post my mix and schedule. It was an all mg grow from the soil to the all purpose liquid for veg into the MG blossom bloomer for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Personally I would have picked up the tomato formula. It has a more even NPK ratio. The all purpose is nice in veg (if you're careful with it) and all but it has very little P in it. Go pick up a box of the bloom booster for flowering for sure. The all purpose will give you extremely sub par results if you use it through flowering.


Well-Known Member
I use Mg Nutes,
1 tsp per gallon as directions recommends
switch to bloom nuts when flowering starts.