Need help from soil growers.


Well-Known Member
no worries, they're young enough to recover. take a knife or similar and slice along the inside perimeter of your cup to loosen the dirt. place the cup on its side and use the knife along the upper inside to pry out the dirt ball as intact as you can. once you have the dirt ball free then slowly pull apart the dirt ball with one hand near each plant. repot each alone and cover the stems of the plants with an extra inch or two of dirt and you should be ready to go.


Just transplanted one into another pot, didnt have a big bunch of roots so it worked out thanks for the help desert :)


Well-Known Member
make sure your plants are up higher in your planter. They need to get as much light as possible. Those look like they're down in a well. I try to keep all plants within an inch of the rim of the planter


Well-Known Member
looks like weak stems, too. Put a fan in the room to keep the plants dancing. Dancing plants = happy plants. Happy Plants = strong stems.


its all good now man, i just transplanted them to outside pots
the stems have gotten a hella bigger