NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?

Sorry it took so long to reply been kind of busy with some other things .. but at my old grow I always used 1000s sometime dialed down to 750 sometimes not.. and I'm using same thing this time dialed down to 750 right now in veg each one covering about a 5x5 area give or take some inches... that's cant be my problem.. the humidity is always about 45% with temp from 76 - 79 maybe that's not perfect but I know that isn't going to mess the plants up like this, in the past I've grown in horribly uncontrollable conditions before temps in the 90s humidity to low humidity to high and never had a problem like this ever... It hads to be something with air quality something is in the air how would i ever figure out what it is though? Could it gave anything to do with all this insulation... I have no clue .. I'm thinking about putting up new walls around this whole room like making a room inside a room with insulation and everything I don't know what else to do I figure that might stop whatever it is in here but then again it might not even help..
That's kinda dry so maybe nutes are a bit high but that shouldn't be catastrophic...

Gotta narrow down what's different between house and shop.
Making a room inside the room might not be a bad idea.

The few warehouse grows I've been to in Detroit grow in 14ish ft trailers retrofitted basically. That's probably more because climate controlling a few of those seemed more realistic than the entire building though. I would look into that insulation, as in physically getting on a ladder and poking it, see if particles readily fall off. All the airflow might be carrying particles that clog the stomata or maybe cut the leaves like how DE shreds soft insects. Or maybe it's toxic when watered into the soil after settling.

Nothing sounds like it's far enough off to cause the problems you're having. While I'm envious of your space, I definitely wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now. Hopefully someone smarter than me has an answer to your problem.
furnace give off carbon MONOxide, c02 is what they put in soda to make it fizzy
Furnaces do not give off very much CO if burning properly but do give off CO2 as part of the combustion process. If the furnace is putting CO into the grow room due to negative pressure in the room somehow that could be effecting the plants. Get a CO detector with digital readout to check.
never seen one of those looks like power vent yes ?all I can say is it looks like a off gasing prob to me, I have seen dirty co2 burners make plants look just like yours looks just like lockout
Are you talking about the furnace? But yup CO2 generators if not maintained will produce CO.
Not sure what your issue is plant wise but there is a couple of issues with your furnace. First it's a direct vent with only one pipe so if your trying to run a sealed room you need to install the other pipe (intake) and run it outside so it's not drawing combustion air from the room. I doubt it's causing issues with the Co2 generator burn but none the less it's like have an exhaust going and creating a negative pressure in the room if it really is sealed well. There may be issues with the generator if there is not enough combustion air, a pic of that would be nice. Again I don't think that's your plants issues but I can tell you that yup the Hvac guy could have thought things through a bit better :(.
Furnaces do not give off very much CO if burning properly but do give off CO2 as part of the combustion process. If the furnace is putting CO into the grow room due to negative pressure in the room somehow that could be effecting the plants. Get a CO detector with digital readout to check.
An excellent suggestion.
Wow the more I look the more I see that's tweaking my spidey sense :(. So looks to me like you have a natural draft furnace beside the condensing one? If yes I presume that's your CO2 generator? Take some pics of the whole system if you want me to have a look.
EDIT: Sometimes it's the ones that say they know what their doing that turn out to be the most dangerous lol
Wow the more I look the more I see that's tweaking my spidey sense :(. So looks to me like you have a natural draft furnace beside the condensing one? If yes I presume that's your CO2 generator? Take some pics of the whole system if you want me to have a look.
EDIT: Sometimes it's the ones that say they know what their doing that turn out to be the most dangerous lol
Show me a 'professional' who doesn't say they know what they're doing, lol
Me lol, I'm the first to admit it when I get into something I know shit about lol. It doesn't happen much anymore but I stick with what I'm good at .....way less stress lol. I do feel bad about the work I had to do as a newb though, way beyond my pay grade at the time lol.
To new growers: attention
For your safety and the safety of others
DO NOT grow in a boiler room or furnace room in your home basement.

Is it safe to grow weed in a boiler room basement?
Is it safe to grow weed in a furnace room basement?
Growing weed in a boiler room basement?
Growing weed in a furnace room basement?

any potential gas leaks and any faulty electrical equipment may cause a spark... or if the wires are chewed wires by rats / rodents into the grow space. could cause a combustion.

Let me elaborate....
modern day furnaces and boiler usually operate off of a natural gas.
and can give off carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide is an odourless gas and can be present from furnaces and can easily be ignited from a spark from faulty wires or equipment.

find / make another place to grow.
To new growers: attention
For your safety and the safety of others
DO NOT grow in a boiler room or furnace room in your home basement.

Is it safe to grow weed in a boiler room basement?
Is it safe to grow weed in a furnace room basement?
Growing weed in a boiler room basement?
Growing weed in a furnace room basement?

any potential gas leaks and any faulty electrical equipment may cause a spark... or if the wires are chewed wires by rats / rodents into the grow space. could cause a combustion.

Let me elaborate....
modern day furnaces and boiler usually operate off of a natural gas.
and can give off carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide is an odourless gas and can be present from furnaces and can easily be ignited from a spark from faulty wires or equipment.

find / make another place to grow.
please stop spammin the forum with this
To new growers: attention
For your safety and the safety of others
DO NOT grow in a boiler room or furnace room in your home basement.

Is it safe to grow weed in a boiler room basement?
Is it safe to grow weed in a furnace room basement?
Growing weed in a boiler room basement?
Growing weed in a furnace room basement?

any potential gas leaks and any faulty electrical equipment may cause a spark... or if the wires are chewed wires by rats / rodents into the grow space. could cause a combustion.

Let me elaborate....
modern day furnaces and boiler usually operate off of a natural gas.
and can give off carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide is an odourless gas and can be present from furnaces and can easily be ignited from a spark from faulty wires or equipment.

find / make another place to grow.

I grow in a furnace room with a hot water heater. The only issue I believe I've had was some negative room pressure causing exhaust to enter the room from the hot water heater flue. I avoid that now by monitoring the total CFMs out vs. the CFMs "in." I'm still here after 15 years in that room.
CO is not flammable lol
Carbon monoxide is absolutely flammable and explosive under the right conditions.

Carbon DIOXIDE isn't flammable.

Both can kill you if they're present in high enough concentrations; carbon monoxide doesn't need much at all to be deadly, while CO2 isn't lethal until you're in excess of 3000ppm.