Need help germinating


Well-Known Member
Soak in a bowl of water for 24 hrs. Plant them no matter what they look like and they are up in 2 to 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I have had 100% success germinating several times, I think it's the easiest part of growing.

Soak a paper towel in luke warm tap water then squeeze it out until it's not dripping anymore. Then fold it into quarters then put your seeds in to your newly formed pocket.

Put this square of folded wet seed-holding paper towel on a CLEAN dinner plate, then put an opaque (no light can get through it) bowl over the top of the paper towel. Make sure no paper towel is sticking out under the bowl, then put it in a dark warm place for a few days (75-80 degrees f). Check daily if they have sprouted. If towels are no longer damp just drizzle a handful of tap water over the paper towels and put them back in your dark warm spot.

After a few days your seeds will have sprouted. Proceed into growing medium.

It works every time for me.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dude, its this simple.. Get a cup of water and put your seeds in it. Take the cup and put a cloth over the top of it and put it in a dark spot. I put mine in a cabinet above my frig. Keep it there until you notice the "white" root starting to take shape. You know what to do after that!!! All your seeds might not germinate at the same time. BE PATIENT!! It can take up to seven days, but I average about three days. This way of germinating has never let me down (Maybe a few times, but they were bad seeds to start). Try this method. IT WILL WORK!!!!!!
Yes, i agree with lowkster. ive never used any other method. i put my seeds in a coffe mug with some bottled water put it in the cabinet above the fridge and i wait 24-36 hrs before looking. usually out of ten seeds like 3 or 4 will be slightly cracked. you can leave em, or take em out the next day and let the taproot get a little bigger. just take them out according to if there cracked open yet and how big the taproot is. i just put one in a rooter that was barely cracked and it made it so i wont ever use another germination method


Well-Known Member
and i might add with germinating in a mug of water, i planted the seeds in the rooters and the temp was pretty low, 65 in the day, 40 at night and i have 6 healthy looking seedling sprouting right now


Well-Known Member
I have mixed results with the paper towel... if the root decides to cling to it, it is goodbye... have never seen such fragile roots in my life..

I find I get good results useing coarse river sand (from the inside of a bend). Stick the seed in so that the place where it connected to the plant, points to the top... pointy side down... this makes it easy for the seedling to slip out of the ground.

Attached two babies that came out of the ground this morning. (the tall one is durban poison bagseed, the little one, amnesia haze)

I used the sand still wet from the river (not recommended unless you know it is clean) and just put the seedling tray in one of those thin bags they sell bread in to keep the moisture in.

If these hatched here, the ones I gorilla planted while collecting sand must have sprouted too :)



Well-Known Member
I fold my seeds inside a paper towel and put them in a ziploc bag.

There are a hundred ways to do it. You just haven't waited long enough.
I use the wet paper towels in the ziploc too now, used to use jiffy pots, but i find this to work better, happy growing! :joint:


Well-Known Member
I have no problem germinateing them with the other method, but I tend to kill the root whenever I try to touch the seeds.


Well-Known Member
get your little plastic bag from your dime bag and put in a pice of kitchen roll wet it seal it and sit it on your window simple as that


Active Member
even on low a heating pad is too warm. put a sheet of cardboard between it and the bowl (but I fear they may be cooked)
I don't know about the chlorine thing either, could have been too much.
i use a heat pad and it takes half the time for seeds to germ in there than no heat in under the bed


Well-Known Member
how long do u let the white stem part get before you plant them? it seems like the ones i planted are taking forever to sprout. its like day 4 and two of the three are still in their shells at the surface of the soil. the third has just sprouted out of its shell today


Well-Known Member
Of the 6 seeds I germ'd 3 are now in hydro and 2 are still under dome\cfl waiting for roots to drop thru rockwool. The last seed has been in paper towel for 9 days now and when I cheked it today it felt real hard so I poked it with a pin to see if that does anything.
But over all it went ok, soon to be 5 of 6 in hydro.


Well-Known Member
how long do u let the white stem part get before you plant them? it seems like the ones i planted are taking forever to sprout. its like day 4 and two of the three are still in their shells at the surface of the soil. the third has just sprouted out of its shell today
I only let the little tap root get about 1\4to 1\2 inch long and placed them in rockwool about 2 seed deep. Didn't seem to matter if they went in root up or down, they all popped thru normally.