Need help growing/starting with clones looking shotty pictures included


It's my first grow. An indoor setup. 9 clones total. 4 Blue Dream 5 G-13. All not really looking too great. Under 10 T12 40 watt fluorescent bulbs and a 400 watt HPS. The HPS bulb is on the side, the T12s overhead.

Put in miracle-gro organic choice soil 3 days ago in the rockwell cubes and watered 2 days ago w/o nutes. Haven't fed any nutrients, some super thrive (4 drops for 2 quarts in water) the first night.

Could it just be shock? An initial phase after replanting...?

Something's going on. They aren't looking too great. HELP PLEASE. Is it the soil? Need more water? Need nutes? Lighting? Pictures attached. Thanks.



Active Member
well first of all you shouldnt give clones anything but straight water (superthrive ok its just micro nutes) until they are well rooted
they look like they are nute burnt

Miracxle gro is very very powerful and imho should never be used on MJ. you just got a prob with too much nutes.
The prob with that is you cant really flush it out since MG soil is slow release and wont wash out and xplanting them to rockwool cubes is risky as it causes alot of stress. I would chance xplanting em and get a heating pad to warm up their nubile root system


New Member
You should check the bag I think your soil has 3 months of water released nutes. So yea that'll kill em pretty quick. You really should let them veg for some days in another inert medium like straight perlite then transplant. Also add some perlite that soil is very dense and does not hold air well.


You should check the bag I think your soil has 3 months of water released nutes. So yea that'll kill em pretty quick. You really should let them veg for some days in another inert medium like straight perlite then transplant. Also add some perlite that soil is very dense and does not hold air well.
Should I transplant the already planted clones into perlite now? or a mixture of perlite and miracle grow? How do i save these plants? would planting them again be too much shock? they might just die anyways if i dont replant...


theweedguy: So I should take them out of this soil and try to replant in perlite? or a mixture of the two? how to i warm the nubile root system. Just take a heating pad and place it underneath the rockwoll?


Active Member
Invest into a humidity dome and super plugs, then clone and water once a day to two days, spray inside dome so its 100-90% humidity for the first 4 days and ease off of the humidity by ten % every couple days. I personally use liquid seaweed mixed with my water, but its extremely diluted. That whole set up will cost you around 50 bucks and save you alot of stress.

The longer you wait to make a move the higher the chance that you will kill your ladies
Transplant into party cups and put plants into small area such as cabinet w/ 24 light have enough light to keep area lightly warm(not hot) and i would put the plants in miracle grow. just use pure water no chemicles or nutrients untill their healed