need help having problems

hey anyone that can help. this is my 3rd year growing and am having the biggest problem ever i got dp´s bb n i think she might b hermie im in the 4th week of flowering but dont see any male flowers wutssoever but the hairs of the pistills are falling of lol and when i touch the bud i feel like kind of like seed pockets i guess u can say i feel these hard spots n is crazy i donno what i should do if i should jus let them grow out n start over after the grow again or should i cut


Well-Known Member
We're probably gonna need some pix bro..... I've never seen the hairs just fall off..... So I dunno man, it sounds like you might be outa luck.


Active Member
Sometimes my pistils would die and fall off, as others would receed back in. As long as they're isn't a huge amount of them falling off. I don't know about your "Hard spots" good luck though.