Need Help Here


Well-Known Member
I can't figure this out. This is my first grow and I'll be damned if I can fix/diagnose whatever is going on here with the rust and the leaves curling up and drying out. I'm using a Blackstar 240UV and DWC with Fox Farms nutes. The plant is growing like hell. Sometimes an inch or two a day. I don't really know what I'm looking at so any advice is appreciated. One thing that looks strange to me but may be normal is that underneath every dying leaf there is a newer one that is green. It grows out of almost the exact same place on the stem but is a separate branch and leaf but is located directly under the dying leaf. It's almost like they are coming out of the same place on the stem.



Active Member
There is definitely a deficiency. Although its hard to tell without many details(how much of the nutrients are in the water,what type of water, lighting, ect) but it could be a deficiency AND a toxicity of a nutrient.
My guess is a calcium and/or a phosphorus deficiency/toxicity. Calculate the ppm content of these.
Also ph could be locking some nutes out.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
looks like your PH is right on. your PPM are pretty high up there. maybe try backing off a little on the PPM and see if the problem progresses.

View attachment 2470433

i have no idea to be honest, hope someone who knows can step in and help you out.

also sometimes them PH pens get off calibration so maybe re calibrate it or check it in a known solution.

heres a link to some common houshold items, i wouldnt use a item that is top of the alkaline (14) or bottom of the acidic (1) try something in the middle somewhere.


Active Member
I wouldn't use milk to calibrate. Just go to a hydro store and pick up a small bottle of solution for 4 bucks


Well-Known Member
ph of vinager is 2.4-2.7 if you dip the ph pen and its way out, go get proper solution to calibrate you pen. Next what's the E.C., ppm is different from one meter to the next. That size plant should take 1.8- 2.0 E.C ( 1000ppm roughly) but I would back of to 1.0-1.2 ppm (600ppm) untill you sort out your problem.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Appreciate all the replies. I have a PH pen and the buffer solution. I calibrate every 3 or 4 days. I'm sure my PH is right on but not real sure about my water content. I stopped using the tap because it was so hard. Somewhere around 290 PPM. I started buying 5 gallon jugs and using that a couple weeks back when the problem first started. I PH'd it prior to adding it. Unfortunately there has been no change. Is it possible this is normal for this Dutch Passion Taiga strain? Like I said before, the fan leaves almost look like they have double sprouts coming out of the branches. The top fan leaf starts dying off as the bottom one grows and stays green. The plant also is growing pretty fast from what I know about plants.


Well-Known Member
Wow, real nice notes you're keeping.
That looks like you've got a lot going on really, but RetiredMatt might be right, maybe try backing off the nutes for a bit (even though it does look kinda like a bad K deficiency to me).
Maybe this chart will help ya.View attachment 2471461


Well-Known Member
Yea, that's what I did, backed off the nutes. Changed the water and went half strength. It does kind of look like a late stage K deficiency but the early stage examples don't match what was going on. I just hope this damn thing just makes it to the end. It's a 70 day autoflower so I'm about half way. Thanks for all the help.


Well-Known Member
Good luck man.
Keep us posted and don't give up hope, somebody will pop in that's had that or something similar before.


Well-Known Member
My leaves were almost identical to yours...but I grow in soil so I'm not sure if were dealing with the same issue...but I'm pretty sure my problem was my container size was too small and my plants were root bound and my ph was off. Check out my grow journal if you would like to compare. I re-potted, fixed the ph and gave them a mist with epsom salt diluted in water for cal mag deficiency, I did somewhat resolve my problem but not completely. This is my first grow too, I'm just about to wrap it up and it looks pretty successful. Best of luck with yours.


Well-Known Member
I quit using my tap water because it's so hard. Started buying those big blue 5 gallon bottles. Then I figured I'd check my girlfriends water to see if it was better than mine and it was. I'd already loaded up on the blue bottles so I started using half hers and half the store bought. I'm hoping to go strictly to hers after the store bought is gone but either way its a pain in the ass packing water around. The old lady next door already made a comment about it. I told her I was on a new diet! lol


Well-Known Member
I've learned a lot in the last month. If I can just salvage a small sack out of this I'll be happy. I think I'm on the right track of getting this shit figured out though. Took me a while to figure out how to brew good beer but I finally got that down. I went ahead and germinated another seed. I kind of timed it to go into the flower stage about when this current Dutch Passion Autoflower is done. This will let me go to the 12 hour light cycle without affecting the autoflower because it will be finished. The new one is a Dutch Passion Euphoria feminized. I'm going to cut way back on the nutes from the get go and pay more attention to my PPM and PH now that I know a little bit about what I'm looking at. Went ahead and ordered a EC meter yesterday to help out. I have so much damn money wrapped up in this project now I gotta get some return! lol