Need help. How often and with how much water do you water your outdoor plants?


Active Member
Depends on a few things
I grew in 5gal pots watered once a week Saturday fed one a week Tuesday.
always early morning and its better to water more volume at a less frequency.
Always water with ph adjusted w
water anywhere from 6.2-6.5


Well-Known Member
Most ppl here prolly could write a small novel on that question....luckily lots on here kept journals on their efforts showing exactly how they did it.


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry about my bonehead post I didn't read your title, apologies. What's your pot size....soil or soil-less , is it a raised bed or in the ground? My bro taught me this.. If its pots and you're using a hose then turn the hose on full blast and fill a 5 gallon bucket, time how long that takes and you can use this to measure your watering by that time....the tippy top of the buckts is more than 5 gal so time it to a little below where the handle connects....if it takes, say 3 mins to fill the bucket then 3 mins on your pots would be 5 gals, give or take. I like to see water coming out the I just water till I see bottom runoff, time that, then ratio it out with the time it takes to fill a bucket to come up with how many gallons the pot took.....then use that as a loose guide for fert ratios........If they're in the ground then water till you think it's right...time this also....if they (the leaves) droop in the full sun after a morning watering wheras they normally stand up....then you over did it...use your timer as a guide is my advice without knowing your particular circumstances.


Well-Known Member
right now mon has 100g pots they take about 5-10 gallons about every 3-4 days, soon when they are bigger and it is hotter they will be taking aprox 15 gallons every other day.