NEED HELP! how would you grow arjan haze/lsd in this space?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
hey all ive just recieved my first order from herbies, fantastic service, didnt take long at all and very pleased with packaging!
anyway, i have 5 fem arjan's ultra haze 2, 5 fem barneys lsd, 1 fem rocklock and 1 fem sour cream (both freebies) i'd like one of each but my cabinet is fairly small, only about 1.2ft deep by 1.6ft wide by 2.5ft high, what training method would you suggest for this space? top, fim, lst, scrog? what if i go 12/12 from seed? will this promote one tall, single cola per plant? doing hempy's with a progrow 180 selective switch lsd.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
oh will 12/12 from seed promote a quicker harvest?
if i germ too many females to fit (if im lucky lol) there are a couple of caretakers who would be more than happy to grow and mum them for me lol


Well-Known Member
Go with lst after a couple weeks veg don't do 12/12 from seed. Remember the plants will double In size during flower.

Ps. What seed bank did you use?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
herbies, they were pretty damn good. just worried i wouldnt be able to fit 4 medium sized plants in there unless i go cobb? planning on beeding lsd and arjans haze for the fun of it :P


Well-Known Member
hey all ive just recieved my first order from herbies, fantastic service, didnt take long at all and very pleased with packaging!
anyway, i have 5 fem arjan's ultra haze 2, 5 fem barneys lsd, 1 fem rocklock and 1 fem sour cream (both freebies) i'd like one of each but my cabinet is fairly small, only about 1.2ft deep by 1.6ft wide by 2.5ft high, what training method would you suggest for this space? top, fim, lst, scrog? what if i go 12/12 from seed? will this promote one tall, single cola per plant? doing hempy's with a progrow 180 selective switch lsd.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
oh will 12/12 from seed promote a quicker harvest?
if i germ too many females to fit (if im lucky lol) there are a couple of caretakers who would be more than happy to grow and mum them for me lol
Hey Ben- You don't have room to grow more than one plant without begging trouble. I'd choose one and use Uncle Ben's Topping Technique. You should fill that cabinet to the max with that approach.

Have a look at Uncle Ben's Topping Technique.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
cheers viagro, ive actually done a silly thing and gone and upgraded my grow, ill now be running 4 180watt progrows in 'cages' to fit 4-6 cob style plants under each, 4 strains, 4 plants per strain then i can narrow down the pheno's, keep some a bonsai mum of each in one section and then use a section each for a three stage perpetual grow so i can harvest every 3-4 weeks! completely inspired by hobbes and his design with the air floors etc :) so this cabinet will only be used to germ and veg until the cages are set up, lights and materials already ordered though gonna be completely stealth, hidden wall etc.
what do you think of breeding arjans ultra 2 and lsd?


Well-Known Member
Wow, man you've gone off the deep-end...head first! LOL. You do sound inspired. Good on ya. I tried to get a pm to you about some supplemental induction lighting at extremely nice prices, but I guess that doesn't matter now. With 4 ProGrow 180s, you'll be able to supply the fleet. Dang...flat out like a lizard drinkin'.


Well-Known Member
Regarding crossing the two, I'm generally in favor of all types of breeding. :) Go for it.
It'll make life even more interesting, and a bit more mysterious.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
lol well ive had so many people ask me for help and i want to make salves, tinctures, oils, bath salts you name it for them so ill need a steady supply and im in an extremely fortunate situation where i have a free year, the location and the money to do it so why not go deep end head first? around here that's still considered pretty small as far as setups go too... but everyone else grows monsters with 1000 watters im the only one ive even heard of going organic and anything other than bagseed so should spice things up a bit!
variety is what im after so this set up will allow me to run 3 new strains each time and keep my favourite one or two going constantly...
i have looked at those lights already and im looking into them, not for this set up but for one for a friend on a much larger scale, ill keep u updated on how they perform!
ive read a lot about lsd and everyone says that although a complete 'trip' it doesnt get you high or stoned in the traditional sense and best to be smoked with your favourite strain.. i fugured cut out the middle man and cross it with a really potent haze, excellent party weed potentially!


Well-Known Member
You're gonna be legendary, and when things turn legal, you'll have the inside track on products.

I like the smaller induction screw-in bulbs for cabinet grows. You can dial in a good color balance with a couple of them, and they are cheaper and cooler than the one I bought from hydroponicshut.

I've read alot about that strain, too. Lots of good things, but some widely varying things. One says low scent, another said his whole house reeked, etc. But many, many seem to love it. It'll sure be an interesting cross with Arjan's Haze.

I'm focusing in on Vortex and the back cross with Apollo 13. I've got to try that stuff at some point. But, with my small needs, and small space, it'll be awhile.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah im getting some tga genetics for my second round, jillybean and jack the ripper are right up there, vortex definately has my eye too :P gonna run a 6 strain system, harvesting one about every week yum. well i havent bought any induction gear yet, only the led's, hoping to not need the plasma's but i might set one led panel up with a coupla induction bulbs to boost it up a bit, see if its worth it and what results it might produce!
funny you might say that, the missus said if we could sell this stuff i could open a store... ah dreams lol maybe we'll become ex-pats if the oz government doesnt chill out soon ha ha, any idea on whats going on with that?
oh and all my strains will be specifically hermied and back crossed to produce seeds to share with my friends too, no more dealing with customs!!

benjamin alexander

Active Member
i have just been labelled a weed geek and told i know WAY too much for my own good and age by a 72 yo grower... 50 of those spent cultivating ha ha what would you consider to be too young to be considered 'good' at this game or do the results outweigh any age predjudice? lol


Well-Known Member
So, you've been tormenting the geezers, eh? Being called a weed geek isn't the worst thing in the world. He probably has a few tricks up his sleeve, I'd try to keep that channel open. Maybe he was complimenting you...or was he virtually saying "Get off my lawn."?

Regarding seeds, it really would be nice to just develop your own varieties and avoid the mail altogether. At least that option exists, though, but once you've got some good genetics you might as well take the ball and run with it. The oz govt has turned fairly conservative hasn't it? I'm not really up to speed on all that, it still seems like the tide is turning. Soon, I think, the vilification of mj will be recognized for the big lie that it is. Is there no medical mj there?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
nope, in my home state you can have 2 plants NOT hydro grown (so outdoor) but you can only have 100 grams on you without being charged, so what do you do with all that stuff you grow off two plants? not legal to sell it... lol our laws contradict themselves here but basically as long as you pay ya leccy bill, dont try and steal the juice, and stay under bout 5 full sizze plants you pretty much get left alone... sucks here, we only get SOME painkillers, no marinol or vaicoden, nothing, strongest stuff you get if your terminally ill is morphene or tramadol.
no it was said in fun, he's always had troube with clones and ran out of seedes years ago so gets clones locally but most were dying, i built him an aero cloner off the diy section and he's had 90% success since then so it was a compliment :)

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah but cant use lights or timers or hydro nutes... like i said the laws are stupid. oh and only recently the sale of ALL hydroponic lights became illegal hence my interest in led's, one of our biggest detection problems are choppers with heat vision lol hence my upgrade to a completely sealed (hermatic filters yo!) and air conditioned area that's also completely stealth! do it once do it right dad taught me, no muckin around then!


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make any sense at all? Leave it to the lawmakers... So, could you have a small greenhouse?

Yeah, do it right, mate. Your dad taught you well.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah the missus suggested putting a greenhouse over our whole veggie patch and throwing a coupla outdoor plants in there but then there's the other concerns ouside the law like rippers and the neighbours lol


Well-Known Member
yeah the missus suggested putting a greenhouse over our whole veggie patch and throwing a coupla outdoor plants in there but then there's the other concerns ouside the law like rippers and the neighbours lol
Bloody drongos... yeah, I forgot about them.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah unfortunately there is them to deal with... but my stalth room will fix all those problems and with led's, plasma's and air con it wont even get warm let alone hot :D