need help i think i have nutrient burn or something.


a couple leaves on my plant are yellow and kinda looks like nutrient burn or whatever you call it, if it is what should i do im not sure? thanks


Well-Known Member
a little more info. Soil or hydro? How heavy are your nute feedings? How often do you feed? All that good stuff man so we can all help you out


Well-Known Member
post a picture so we can help you. the situation could be nute lockout, heat stress, or nute burn. what kind of light are you using? how far away from the plant is the light? how old is the plant? veg or flower? what kind of medium are you growing in? more details, my friend, and i'm more than willing to help! :peace:

ps. if you don't have a camera to take pictures, you can check out the FAQ and you can get some visuals of plant problems. that might be helpful, too. here's a link:


yeah i fed it quit a bit i made a batch of miracle grow and used it for a few days and i had it under bullshit lights before, now i got flueorscent lights and everything and now the yellow/browness is still there. the batch of miracle gro i made was like 60 ml of MG and 2 gallons of water so im not sure how strong that is, i usually feed it everytime i feel the pot and it seems dry any tips?


im not sure exactly i got it when it was about 7 inches tall and theres light brown hairs on the top and in some other spots and now its about 9 inches tall and i have a fluorescent light on it now in my tin foiled closet. and its soil


Well-Known Member
If your in dirt you should not have used nutes for about a month from the time you planted. Avoid using any nutes for a while man. Dirt has plent of natural nutes in it for the plant to use. I would suggest just feeding water for a couple of weeks also don't water too much either. Once a week is cool. Let the dirt go completely dry. Your better off letting it go real dry since dry dirt encourages the roots to grow out in search of water. You may be suffocating your roots with too much water


and i just took a picture but then i just found out i dont have the cord anymore to hook it up to the comp, this gay man:(


If your in dirt you should not have used nutes for about a month from the time you planted. Avoid using any nutes for a while man. Dirt has plent of natural nutes in it for the plant to use. I would suggest just feeding water for a couple of weeks also don't water too much either. Once a week is cool. Let the dirt go completely dry. Your better off letting it go real dry since dry dirt encourages the roots to grow out in search of water. You may be suffocating your roots with too much water
thanks for the info man will deffinatly do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you wana troubleshoot with the dirt. I water my plants about once every 2weeks. The dirt goes real dry & my plant does not droop my roots have gotten used to the dry dirt so my roots are pretty healthy. Be real easy on the water. You do not wana rott your roots.


New Member
im not sure exactly i got it when it was about 7 inches tall and theres light brown hairs on the top and in some other spots and now its about 9 inches tall and i have a fluorescent light on it now in my tin foiled closet. and its soil

Its budding? What kind of florescent? And how close is it? what light cycle are you on? I would say flush her with clean water after flushing dont overwater and dont feed her for at least a week or 2 . Also get some better lighting and better nutes and take a look around the site and read read read.


im not sure if its budding it looks that way tho my friend is gonna upload those pics and send em to me on msn and ill post them up here the fleuroscent light im using is a undercabinet one i think its 15 watts it hands about 2.5 inches above the plant


New Member
man that sucker is going to hermie on you if you dont watch it... take it to your bath tub and run water through the soil to rinse out any nute build up in the soil. Then check out cfl grows on here and get what you need from home depot. put you plant on 12/12 cycle and read up on cfl growing on here and anything else that would be relivent to your grow. Then hope for the best and expect the worst and save up for next time around so you can get a proper setup. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Dnt water for a couple of weeks. The heavy flush is enough water to last for a cool while man. Leave it alone. No nutes for about 2weeks more after the soil has dried up. The plant will be ok just make sure your lights are as close as possible.