Need help identifying sex of plants(First Grow)


Active Member
This is my first grow(Unknown strain), and I put my plants on a 12/12 schedule three days ago today.
I have been more nervous about determining the sex of the plants than anything else since I planted 'em, and I am wondering if what I am seeing on a majority of the plants is signs of pre-flowers(Female pistils).
Possible Sex of First Grow 002.jpgPossible Sex of First Grow 001.jpgPossible Sex of First Grow 003.jpg

Any ideas?

Thanks for reading!
ya it might be to early to tell, but for the most part the pistils from the nodes do look like female hairs. keep it happy and wait a couple more days!


Active Member
just hang in there for a couple more days or so, i was in ur position 4 weeks ago, if u google it look at lots of pics u can pretty much determine one way or another when the pistols start to show or not and u get them little balls instead, i read theres plenty of time to cull the males before pollination ever starts, mine showed sex in first 7 days ish of goin 12/12. got 2 females from 5 seeds, and binned the males once i was 100 % sure, once the process starts it takes about 3 to 4 days to no for sure, then remove or keep !! good look friend ope u get the girls u need !!!


Active Member
Thanks for the replies! The help really means alot to me.

I had a feeling it was too early to tell, but I just wanted to make sure. Where exactly will I see the pistils and "balls" of the plants develop on the plant? I have looked online, but I could not find a solid answer.


U don't have to force flower it puts stress on the plant and wastes time reverting back to veg. Preflowers can be seen with a mag glass in the right angle in the sun once plant has reached sexual maturity age. You look at the top usually after fifth set of leaves is well developed u look between the main stem and branch, at first it will just be a barely seen bump this is when u start watching with good mag glass. Be patient and check daily and the hairs will appear or balls. O and a tip to notice males is they have a tiny stem under ther preflower and female don't they grow right out of the crouch. Patience

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
As stated the nodes are still even so Gender wont identify till the nodes start to stagger or grow uneven on either side of the stock. Look like girls to me though (unstressed and ready to be bushy). Pop a clone, make roots---toss it in the dark and start your first flower. Or if they are big enough to flower over 15 inches tall Flower the Mother of the Clone and then you still have the clone to re-clone or let her get bigger to flower>

"Where exactly will I see the pistils and "balls" of the plants develop on the plant? I have looked online, but I could not find a solid answer."

Right at the arches as you thought when you shared your pics...