need help, im stumped.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a dwc with gh flora series, I'm into week 4 of flower and I'm having some weird problems. My leaves near the top are curling under badly, new growth at bud sites looks a little twisted, but the problem is in my undergrowth its withering away, My fan leaves and sugar leaves below the main canopy have dead spots on them, like dark green dried up crunchy spots some in the middle of the leaves others along the outside. I adjust my ph to 5.5 to 5.8 daily because they are drinking around a gallon of water a day and my ph will have fluctuated up to around 6.5 before I add my water. Is it the gh nutes that keep my ph so unstable and what is causing my plant to do this. I haven't been adding anything other than flora series grow bloom and micro along with liquid seaweed. Could it be a cal mag issue? I'm about to start a flush with some clearex for the next week or so. Please help, I've tried posting pics with my phone but failed.


Well-Known Member
Need more info.
What are your rez temps looking like?
What ppm have you been running?
What kinda water are you using?
Have you checked the undersides of the leaves for bugs?

We really need pictures to give advice.


Well-Known Member
I know on the pictures, I tried didn't work. My res temps run around 55 to 65 I switch out frozen water bottles to keep them down. My ppms I keep around 1300 my water is hard comes out around 186 ppm so I'm really running around 1100 ppms i did notice that the ppm was jumping drastically when my water levels dropped. I'm hoping its just nute burn and a res change and flush will fix it but want advice. I have checked for bugs and no sign of them. I will try to post pics again in a little while


Well-Known Member
Tough to say without pictures. Sounds like over feeding and lack of mag to me. Yellow splotches that turn necrotic is mag deficiency. Your water sounds a little to cold. Below 60 can cause absorption problems.

Post a beginning and after 1 day ppm reading before you top off or adjust.