need help kinda worried go some yellow crispy spots on my leaves


hello im new to RIU and just to start if u are a good source of info please add me id really appreciate it thanks

now to more important matters i aint got pix but i can describe the prob.....i have random yellow crispy spots on my leaves some towards the center others on the edges the plants still smells heathy has green leaves on the top where the second stock has dark green leaves they arnt dropping they just get really perky at night idk if its deficiencies or burns wind or light idk please help oh yea im 2 weeks in from seed to where im at now shes about 3-4 inches tall nice and strong stem no other symptoms just the leaves.... thanks

WHOOP WHOOP!!!:joint::hump:


wat soil are you using i had that same problem on a few seeds i grew and found it was due to my soil i transplanded into nice soil with some worm castings and perlite with in a week my plants took of and were more healty than ever