Need help knowing what day flowering im in come help a newbie


hi guys my first post i know the pix quality is shitty so don't give me

here is my deal by the way its all organic :clap::clap:
i started 12/12 28 days ago and the first 2 pistol appeared around 15 days ago and here is how they look now.

my question is when does the flower phase begin or the flowering/ budding countdown. the day i put them to 12/12 or the first sign of pre-flowering(the two pistol appear) i hope im making sense

thanks all for ur time



Well-Known Member
hi guys my first post i know the pix quality is shitty so don't give me

here is my deal by the way its all organic :clap::clap:
i started 12/12 28 days ago and the first 2 pistol appeared around 15 days ago and here is how they look now.

my question is when does the flower phase begin or the flowering/ budding countdown. the day i put them to 12/12 or the first sign of pre-flowering(the two pistol appear) i hope im making sense

thanks all for ur time
Welcome to RIU. I always go by when I start 12/12 not pistil sight. I think most go by this method


well thanks for the reply i have heard both but my buds dont look very big compared to other 4 week grows
but i have also head to go by the day u see 2 pistol appear if i go by that my girls are doing great.

i mean i expect my buds to be bigger cuz they all look very health.

is there something im doing wrong.

i am now finding out not to grow different strain in a small area specially your first time lol

thanks for the reply Buddy

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
A couple people have asked about this recently and the answer is that you count plant age from when it is first rooted and flowering time from the first twelve hours of night. By all means, make notes of when things first appear but when growers, breeders and retailers talk about "flowering time," they are referring to the period starting at the first 12hrs of darkness and ending at harvest.

To get the biggest buds your strain can produce, you need lighting capable of light burn on the plant leaves, pots big enough to allow free root growth all the way until harvest and all of the nutrients they can handle. If the very lowest and oldest leaves aren't burnt by about halfway through flowering, you could have pumped more ferts into the plants. The right fertilizers in the right amounts is critical to reaching maximum bud size.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
i am now finding out not to grow different strain in a small area specially your first time lol
Most strains can be flowered at a smaller size to end up much smaller than the plants you have there. How tall were they when you started 12/12? Ours are flowered at about 8" after being topped twice and end up under 2.5' at harvest.


Well-Known Member
well whatever gets you to sleep at night I would say they look ok to decent for 4 weeks, seen worse. It depends on the strain and conditions being optimal. Here's my ogkush at 28 days from 12/12... Hang in there they be fine. I'm no expert, I knojw what I'm doing though. If ya need a lil help list everything you are doing to the last detail, including equip, products, feeding sched, PH, water used, medium, temps/rh all that and I'll see what needs improving



they were about 1' or 1'and 1/2" now the once in the back are above 3' bro and i have super-cropped them and the result are amazing.
ther other are reaching little over 2"

mothers finest thanks for your reply to sir

anyways how do u think my plants are doing for 28 days for 12/12
another thing i must add is that first week off 12/12 my temps were hitting the 50's cuz of cold weather. plus i had my exhaust fan hooked to the hood.

now its hooked to the filter not the hood and that brought temps up.

also my bulb got turned off accidently 3 times lol while flowering there is a long story for that it'll take to long.

any tips u can give me to go to the next level would be very nice off u organically if possible

i use compost tea iguana bloom(4-3-6) with bio bizz grow(1-0-6) kelp by bio bizz and bio bizz fish(2-0-4) also Indonesian bat guano (.5-12-.2)

iguana bloom is to fucken expansive 40$ a liter i don't recommend it. once plants stop stretching i will start use roots organic.


well Buddy i got 7 plants in 7 gallon pots 1000w

they were about 1' or 1'and 1/2" now the once in the back are above 3' bro and i have super-cropped them and the result are amazing.
ther other are reaching little over 2"

mothers finest thanks for your reply to sir

anyways how do u think my plants are doing for 28 days for 12/12
another thing i must add is that first week off 12/12 my temps were hitting the 50's cuz of cold weather. plus i had my exhaust fan hooked to the hood.

now its hooked to the filter not the hood and that brought temps up.

also my bulb got turned off accidently 3 times lol while flowering there is a long story for that it'll take to long.

any tips u can give me to go to the next level would be very nice off u organically if possible

i use compost tea iguana bloom(4-3-6) with bio bizz grow(1-0-6) kelp by bio bizz and bio bizz fish(2-0-4) also Indonesian bat guano (.5-12-.2)

iguana bloom is to fucken expansive 40$ a liter i don't recommend it. once plants stop stretching i will start use roots organic

here is the deal with ph. i know my ph is not this bad but the cheap fricken ph meter i got sucks dick i dont think it accurate but it say my ph is any ware from 7.0 to fricken 9.6 that cant be possible cuz my plants are very healthy.

im am also using mollases and honey to feed the microbes

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Your plants look lovely. This is about the best source of Potassium, the primary flowering nutrient, that I know of.

You already have the Guano for a strong source of Phosphorus so the only other major fertilizer I'd suggest looking for is a high-Nitrogen one. Blood Meal works well. I know you already have a fish fert but regular Fish Emulsion/Hydrolyzed Fish is a good source of N (5-1-1), especially when used with other N-containing ferts. Both Blood Meal and Fish Emulsion are pretty cheap. You could get a different, high-N Guano as well. Just some suggestions to get the bigger buds you're looking for. As I said, your plants look good already.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Make sure the soil is as wet as possible when you test it. If it isn't wet enough, the probe won't read properly. A working soil Ph tester is the only actual tool a grower needs. It's good to have the cheap capsule-type soil Ph test kit on hand. The capsules are very cheap and are a great backup testers as well as a good way to check if your meter is reading properly.


thanks for the wonder full comment and the wonderfull link sir i do like organic stuff.

i will use that next time cuzz im gone have to work it in the soil.

when i get my on place i plan of making a worm compost and only feed them bananas what u think of that.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
lol Maybe I've smoked too much but there seems to be something funny about feeding worms bananas.

I don't think worms would be healthy in nothing but banana mush. There's only so much you can do with worms. Worm Castings generally have certain levels of certain nutrients and you can't add that much more without killing the worms. You might get better results having an earthy worm bed with some compost in it and then a separate, no-soil compost for stronger ferts with high levels of K. I don't have it on me but I've found cheap places to have fertilizer analysis done online. I think it was like 15$ per sample or less. If you get a good compost going, using one of these services will tell you exactly what you've created so you can determine what adjustments should be made to perfect the mix, and also when & how much to use on the plants.