NEED HELP! must put flowering plant outdoors

justin lannon

Active Member
i am leaving province for 6 weeks and my plant has been budding for 5 weeks. i must put it ouside until i get back. the days are still very long will my plant go back into veg or will it finish budding.


Well-Known Member
hey justin, i am assuming these plants have been on a 12/12? and now u must leave for 5 weeks and in order to care for them u must put outside and let mother nature care for them?

if this is the case, what will happen depends on how mature the buds are now, if they are "mod way" your harvest will not stop, but it will slow considerably....

can u just go buy an automatic watering system and light timers? i would reccomend that method or maybe a friend can care for your girls while your away....

justin lannon

Active Member
the plants have been on a 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks. if i put outside and the budding takes longer that will be good, considering they will be past the 8 week point i planned to harvest at. i have light timer i could get watering system but they will need to much care from me in the house. none of my buddys can watch her i live with my mother.


Well-Known Member
tell your mom they are "tomacco's" lol.. jk

yeah if they been flowering for 5 weeks, they should be fine, lets hope right??? as long as your region gets rain once or twice a week, i think everything will be great...

good luck justin

justin lannon

Active Member
but will the long days slow flowering long enough so that when i get home( 11 weeks into flowering) the white hairs would not be over 85% brown? they will get enough water i have plants outside now 8 feet doing superb.