Need Help New Grower..


Active Member
Hey Guys,
I'm a New Grower Is my Plant look good? It just 7 days about 1 1/2 Tall.. I'm not putting any light on it yet. Should I? i got 105 Watts fluorescent. I got a few Question Wonder you guy help me answer.
1. What does it Mean to veggie?
2. How do i start my plant to flower?
3. When my plant is tall enough how do i make it start budding?
4. How to make my plant stop from getting too tall?
5. Will 105 Wall fluorescent light = 400 watt incandescent make a big different on my bill. Planning to do 12/12 My bill is 75$ a month and how much will it cost if i use my light 12/12?
6.How You know if my plant start to Flower?
Thank you All for viewing and answer
thank you again


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You need to get some light on it ASAP! Why are you waiting? Start 18hrs on and 6 off right away! The word is veg and thats just another name for the growth cycle. Your plant starts to flower when the lights are changed to 12hrs on and 12 off. Flowering and budding are the same thing. If you put your plants about an inch away from the florescent it will reduce stretch and topping reduces stretch too. Florescents burn very little juice so you will barely notice on the bill and incandescents are worthless for growing anything. You can use CFLs in the same sockets as the incadescents. After you go 12/12 they automatically start to flower and you will see the hairs start to show first.


Well-Known Member
truthfully, the most annoying part about this thread is the fact that you were waiting to put light on it.... i don't know why that bothers me... but it does... i feel like cursing you out...

browse the site so you can learn the terminology... research so you know how to take care of your plants and to learn the basic fundamentals... its good to ask questions, but damn, if we can tell that you don't want to go look up anything, many people gonna feel funny...


Well-Known Member
Theres a big button at the top of the page that says FAQ. Check it out, i think you need to read alot more before you're ready to grow.


Active Member
Hey Guys,
I'm a New Grower Is my Plant look good? It just 7 days about 1 1/2 Tall.. I'm not putting any light on it yet. Should I? i got 105 Watts fluorescent. I got a few Question Wonder you guy help me answer.
1. What does it Mean to veggie? = VEGETATION PERIOD - the time the plant uses to develop itself, before it goes on flowering.
2. How do i start my plant to flower? BY SWITHCING LIGHTS TO 12 HOURS ON and 12 HOURS OFF
3. When my plant is tall enough how do i make it start budding? SAME WITH 2.
4. How to make my plant stop from getting too tall? YOU SWITCH TO 12/12 WHEN THE PLANT IS 1/3 OF THE TOTAL SPACE YOU HAVE TO GIVE HER.
5. Will 105 Wall fluorescent light = 400 watt incandescent make a big different on my bill. Planning to do 12/12 My bill is 75$ a month and how much will it cost if i use my light 12/12? DON'T USE INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. ONLY RESULT WILL BE AN INCREASE ON YOUR BILL AND NOTHING GOOD FOR THE BABY. I have no clue how expensive is a KW where you are but 105W means 1KW in 10 hours = 2.4KW/day*30days = 72KW/month. Multiply by the price of your KWh and see your bill.
6.How You know if my plant start to Flower? SEE POINT 2 AGAIN.
Thank you All for viewing and answer
thank you again.

YES, i belive you should spend a few hours on this forum reading and reading some more. and for the sake of everything that's holly and nice, put some lights on that plant.