need help now


Active Member
the thing is shes saying its hers and ive already been talking to her not much about this but none the less. ive been with her for over a year and a half its rather hard not to talk to her im just not going to discuss any of this to her from her on out. i still can not find out what type of charge it would be weather it would be a misdameaner or a felony idk


Well-Known Member
it doesnt matter what charge it is there not going to charge you unless you rat on yourself. and either way if they charge you you face the charge and your breaking your felony probation rules and are going to be fucked misdemeanor or felony


Well-Known Member
If you fight a charge and win your not violating probabtion getting convicted of a crime is a violation of probation. That's what probation is they let yÓu free but if you don't do a bunch of shit they want you to (drug classes, anger management, getting a job, whatever the case may be) or if you get convicted of another crime they will send you back to jail and charge you with whatever you got caught with (growing weed) and the seperate charge of probation violation