need help on how to clone any advice plzzzz


hay peeps just a quick thhread to ask any on how to clone sum peeps mite say just look u lazy so n so, i have n found genarly found how to do it but am still puzzled on wer to cut frm any help wud b much apreshated thanks,


Active Member
I this thread run by illiterate 12 year olds? look on youtube or other sites for instructions on cloning... not real hard
you need rockwool and rooting gel, you can clone without gel but it really helps sucsess rate, youtube is a great resource to see stuff in action, and you can get gel and rockwool on ebay cheap

the above poster is correct, maybe just a little harsh, street slang doesnt read very well on a computer screen, especially when your asking a question and needing a proper answer


Active Member
sorry if i was a little mean...

try to cut a branch below its second or third node... you can pull off the bottom leaf and pull the skin of the stalk down with it to expose the inside to rooting gel. also use a clean razor and cut at a 45 degree angle... clean cut.


Well-Known Member
Closetgrowth, good link it mentioned 8 hr light cycles but it didn't say any more than that. what are your thoughts on 8/8/8?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)

just 7 days and i have roots every time..

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