Need help on output ventilation for tent!

About to start up my first grow. Im running a 250-400w hps/mhin a 3x3 tent.
Air will be sucked through the carbon filter and sent through the hps hood and out the right side of the tent.
I'm curious if i should go through my closet and up into the attic, or just straight up into the attic out of the tent, or just into the room like the pics? I just dont know where to send the bad air..
I assume i have a lot of options..

Please help, thanks!

photo 3.jpgphoto 2 (1).jpgphoto 1.jpggarden.jpg


Well-Known Member
i would vent it out that window or if the room doesn't get to hot just vent it into the room it really depends on your preference


Well-Known Member
The less bends you have, the better, so if you can go straight into the attic do that. Worst case, vent in the same room, but point the vent upwards as high as it can go... you want the heat either at the top (or better, outside) of the room, and the cooler air near the floor will be sucked in through the passive intake vents at the bottom.

thanks fellas. im off the next few days so ill definitely be coming up with something.
you guys think i can get away with 3 3 gal pots in the 3x3? what do you rec?
gonna germ my ww dinafem next week and get this up and running finally!