Need help on (properly) venting my tent


Active Member
Whaddap RIU

Im working on getting my 4th grow up and running, this one is Aero.

A little background about my other grows...

Grow 1: Soil, dual 600, SCROG outdoor shed.
RESULT: Best grow to date! I rushed the harvest, though..

Grow 2: Soil, dual 600, cold indoor room.
RESULT: Spider mites! (killed plants)

Grow 3: Aero, single 1000, indoors.
RESULT: Also failed due to overheating/couldnt vent the room properly.

ON TO my current grow..

I will be using a 4x4x7 tall tent.
1000watt hps air cooled
Aero rails
6 plants

The garage will be cool during the day cycle, and up to 80*F during it's night cycle.

I know i need to push air through my hood and send it OUTSIDE garage.
I also know i need to Pull air from inside the tent, through the scrubber, and also vent OUTSIDE garage.

My question is, do you guys think i can just pull air from INside the garage and expect to cool my hood
and my tent enough without AC? Or will i have to also pull air from outside the garage to cool the garage/and or tent?

I already have 1 6" fan and 1 4" fan, but i will buy another 6" if you guys say so..

I will NOT be going with dual 600's..

Fourth time's a charm!! :D


Well-Known Member
I personally would go with one 600 for a 4x4 tent. You won't have to go too crazy with venting, and with the plants so close together, a 1000 is overkill in my opion. Good luck


Active Member
Thanks Jimdamick! But i've already looked through a 100+ page argument in another thread about how
a 1000 hps is not overkill for the 4x4, and i've made my decision at least about that part.


Well-Known Member
change your light here check out these 2 ......cfl low heat low watt high results and can get with in 2 1/2 inchs of plant with no harm

1 socket 3 bulb light

speical cfl ..............has bigger ones and ones that are 65k and 27k only

the 3 bulb on the side walls 2 or 3 your call lotus from the top

go to some auto plants they are quicker turn around and they need less nutes so u can learn as u go and spidermites are not a issuse for this strain

the major heat is now gone and the internal temp is easier controlled ...along with something that can hand issuse of spider mites