Need help on SOG


Well-Known Member
Well I am preparing to do a sog just trying to get ideas on how I should do it.
Will be using promix. My main thing is I don't want to sit there and water each one, one by one. So I was thinking do on a ebb and flow try with the pots but idk if that will work because the top of the soil is not getting wet. Then I was thinking drip system but then people say drip system get clog and I wouldn't want to deal with that. So can someone please lead me in the right direction in what to do. Was thinking of using superroots air pots .3 gal at least can fit 4 pot in each square foot of grow room. No veg time with clones just straight to 12/12. Have not decided on mother but most likely with be a kush (ice bomb, or critical kush). I just need a solid system where if I have to work for 4 days straight I know my babies are ok. I don't do much DIY I will buy I like perfection.

i would do it like ebb and flow but I don't have a chiller water temp would be to high thus damaging plants and not growing good, there for why I want to do soil. But if u have any good ideas please shot them to me would love to learn new ways I could do things.


New Member
Yeh thats the only prob with sog. Watering. You can setup pvc pipes.

Drip systems wont clog up if you use filters and maintain them. Also make sure your ferts are completely water soluble.

anything with a pump would make it easy. You could have a reservoir and pump, pipe and have one of those trigger sprinkler things to water. Time how long it takes to water one pot, stop, water next...its faster

Hempy buckets are someing you could look into too